Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oregon Beer Tax

I can't believe I haven't posted on this already: A point of particular concern to beer-drinking Robinsons (I believe there are a few): Oregon Legislature Pondering 1900% tax increase on Beer!!!!!!!!

If this weren't a family-oriented and clean-mouthed Robinson blog I'd be foaming at the mouth (and not beer foam) with obscenities! Not only punishing beer drinkers, but punishing one of Oregon's few home-grown entrepreneurial success stories. This tax punishes all Oregon beer drinkers, but in particular, Oregon beer-makers in that it taxes beer by the barrell sold here. As Oregon microbrewers sell virtually all their beer in Oregon, this hits them fully, whereas national brewers only have a small fraction of their sales hit by this tax increase (the fraction that is sold in Oregon). Therefore, the national brewers can diffuse the damage throughout their sales territory and not increase the cost of their beer as high as the Oregon microbrewers do.

And people wonder why Oregon's unemployment rate is higher than the national average: Oregon punishes its own entrepreneurs hardest.


  1. I wonder if 1900% tax increase will increase the Portland Depression ranking?

  2. I actually sort of know the guy who's staring at the camera there. He's the master brewer at a place called The Racoon Lodge in the West Hills. We go there for our Christmas Party every year, and every year he gives us a tour of the brewery.
