Thursday, April 23, 2009

Atlas Shrugs Again

I'll bet we get a series going on this subject too! The Empty Suit is busy demonizing the engines of Capitalism, determined to sap America of initiative and innovation, as is the wont of a Marxist. He's fulfilling his campaign promises here, so America is just getting what she asked for in the last election. Enjoy.


  1. Maybe I should change my degree. Business might not be an option in a few years. I don't think Obama will last the next election. Hopefully a republican can come in and wipe all this shit away.

  2. It is all about increasing the power of government and nothing to do with economic prosperity. Socialism is slithering its way in the backdoor, I picture a sloth. Government intervention in the market, by slobbering Barney Franks and gang, caused the whole finical mess the country is in. They bring the banking system down creating a crisis; then say it is too big to fail; then they pump money into it giving them a foot in the door and some say in how to run the industry. Just like the unions and cafe standards helped to bring the automobile industry down and bring about Obama running the car industry. All the while blaming evil capitalism and stoking mass hatred for the capitalist. Fairly smart. Sounds like it was planned. I guess the government will try to nationalize the banks .
    Once the government is involved in an industry or a bureaucracy is created, it is here to stay long after the crisis or conditions that led to its creation have passed. I think much of what is being done will be with us for a very long time. Much like FDR and the new deal forever changed the size, scope and reach of the government. America has been slowly moving towards some kind of central government control of America. Section 4, chapter 6 in 'Democracy in America' sounds familiar to the current state of the nation.

  3. The public school curriculum should require all students in America to read Atlas Shrugged. No matter how liberal our school system gets or is, the reading of this book will balance the scales of our lopsided leftist education pendelum. I was in a two or three chapter low for about a month. Squeezing in a few pages here and there in my busy schedule. Then I just stumbled on 30 page spree of intense and awesome stuff. Way motivating. I think I'm gonna get off the computer now and go hunt a bear and bite its pumping heart. Oorah Ayn Rand!
