Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Buck Flies On By

Has America ever had more of a spineless punk for president? One thing you expect out of a president, regardless of party or political outlook is responsibility for his actions and decisions. That is entirely lacking in President Present, who apparently doesn't remember which party he was in, which party was in the majority, and which party developed the budgets that President Bush signed into law which resulted in the deficits that Obama inherited. He pushed for those big budgets and big deficits when he was in Congress and he pushed for, and received the much bigger ones we have now. He is entirely responsible for that debt, and in addition the debt from reduced tax generation due to the recession, which in turn was caused almost entirely by the subprime loan crisis. While in Congress, he helped Democrats fight President Bush and Senator McCain when they attemped to rein in the subprime loan policy of Fannie Mae. This should be a surprise to no American. He certainly had/has good intentions for what he is doing. He should man up and say "yes, I am doing this, it needs to be done, and here's why..." rather than pointing at others, as he seems to do with every single issue that comes up and saying, "not me, he did". Contrast this with President Reagan, a real leader, who said "yes, we're going to raise the Prime Lending rate, this will contract the economy, and cause job losses, but it needs to be done to break inflation."

Here's a good time to link the Cake video "Building A Religion"


  1. The nation is being built on debt and deficit spending, has been for a while. I found the article 'Egalitarianism and Inflation' by Ayn Rand interesting, if you have the time to read it, and pertaining to deficit spending that is going on in the nation today. The article illustrates in the most basic terms what deficit spending is and shows what the end result of all of this deficit spending will be. (The article is long but the last half is interesting. You can listen to it at
    President Obama is doing the exact opposite of what Reagan did when confronted with a similar economic downturn. Reagan's economic policies led to prosperity and Obama's economic policies will lead to economic disaster and more government control of our lives if things don't change.
    The video was entertaining. I am annoyed at seeing people wearing Obama clothing while I am working at Wal Mart. Referring to dumb masses and lemmings, the chapter 'What kind of Despotism Democratic Nations have to fear' in 'Democracy in America' describes the current state of the American people and what kind of government all of this is leading to. You have to put the chapter in context and know who wrote it and why the book was written in order to appreciate it. Look up the book on Wikipedia.

  2. Next time you're at work, give the frito guy a hand. Wal Mart management sucks and they screw over vendors daily. You might get some chips out of the deal.
