Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Entire Problem in a Nutshell

Regarding all the problems we have with our government's size and meddling, really, the entirety of the problem with government, the source can be seen clearly in one graph put together by NRO:

The percentage of lawyers in government supporting Obama is stunning if not surprising.  Read the entire article.  The problem is not necessarily that Obama supporters are any more evil than let's say Romney supporting lawyers, it's that they consist of the entire Executive branch of the Federal government.  If there were say a 50/50 mix between Obama supporters and non-Obama supporters the Obama supporters would not feel that they had absolute moral authority (derived from the fact that everyone around them thinks exactly as they do) to act as they did/do in the IRS scandal, nor would they feel they could get away with it as easily if they tried.  Checks and balances. 

The problem, as NRO says is
With certain limitations understood (we don’t know the affiliations of non-donors), the chart above looks more like the political affiliations of Ivy League women’s-studies departments than those of an allegedly impartial federal bureaucracy.
But what if the combination of increasingly activist government with strong bureacratic bias re-creates federal service as a kind of permanent spoils system for the Left? Isn’t it inevitable that this leftist bureaucracy will eventually view itself not as a servant for all citizens but as an instrument of its own righteous ideology?

Some of you will say, "if the numbers were reversed, it would be just as bad", and yes there would be problems IF the numbers were reversed.  But, conservatives, though maybe not all Republicans, are not the type of people that are drawn to a cozy safe gubmint job.  They are more the risk takers/entrepreneurial types.   I'm speaking in generalities of course.  And those of us conservatives who are not that type appreciate what those types of people add to society.  This is opposed to liberals who view entrepreneurial types with envy and hate, as evil, selfish people who must be controlled.  Liberals with this type of view are the type of people that dominate the civil service to an incredibly astonishing degree.  Saying that it would be bad if the numbers were reversed is an irrelevant observation.  The numbers WON'T be reversed.  It's the nature of the beast.

If the Civil Service is led by a Republican administration, then the 'servants' are constrained in what they think they can get away with.  But, when led by a far leftist wealth redistributor who says "punish your enemies" when speaking of other Americans, then there is no constraint.

And that brings us to the problem we have today (which probably has been a problem since FDR's days, but is shoved in our faces, impossible to ignore now):  in the past, the Federal government has been viewed, generally, as a necessary weight on the populace.  Doing a fair job of making things right for all Americans and protecting us from foreign enemies, if at a heavy cost.  But, when Americans view their government as a partisan tool rather than an unbiased burden, then the government's legitimacy is destroyed.  When half the people view the government (rightly so) as an enemy of THEMSELVES IN PARTICULAR, then as our Dear Leader says "We're going to have some problems".

You're damn right you arrogant f#$k.  We've got some problems.  I would say the biggest crisis in government since the Civil War.  For reals.