Thursday, April 30, 2009

Docere et Vagire

Does this mean "Do the vagina"?

I like to think of myself as the Dennis Miller of the three monday night football commentators. I bring the humor. You guys can post the intellectual stuff.


  1. Yeah, something like that. I was going to do a post to explain, but hadn't gotten around to it. It means "to inform and to whine". It was motivated by Master Dick's "why not have fun" comment. I think it's a pretty accurate mission statement for the blog.

  2. I think "to whine" is close to ToeJam's wild stab at the definition

    Unfortunately Google translator doesn't have latin so I was in the dark too.

  3. Speaking of Master Dick...He seems to be on the, "Who cares about all this political stuff? You guys take this way to seriously. Just chill dog! Everything will be straight" side of things? Which I respect, and to some extent, wish I didn't waste my time worrying too. But now I wonder, does he think his crazy older brother bred a bunch of crazy political psychos? I can just see him going, "Mark, you were fine, but now theres three of you!"

    When is the next Triomino gathering? I have a bottle of Brut that has been in my fridge since new year. Does that stuff age well?

  4. May 16 in Seattle. We're headed up that weekend.

    I don't think it really matters whether it ages well or not. We'll drink it whenever the next tournament happens down here.

    I told him to start a blog for the Left side of the Robinson family, just for balance. We'll see what happens.

  5. Hey Melkor: country report, Madagascar, Robinson Talking Points readers are waiting!

  6. All right now just hold on a minute there y'all. I didn't say "why not have fun?", although I do like the idea, I was just following Oingo Boingo's lead saying life's too short to get so whipped out of shape about things you really have no control over. So yeah, enjoy life, go listen to some soothing music, maybe some jazz, a little Jim Croce, go play with the dog, smell some flowers, call your Uncle and tell him how much you love him!
    Oh, by the way, I was reading this morning that Warren Buffet said the government is doing the right things and heading in the right direction toward economic recovery. I trust him regarding financial decisions.
    Oh, by the way, what's up with Arlen Specter defecting the Republicans?

  7. I respect and look to Buffet for investment advise. But Warren Buffet like all of the other business leaders do not have the guts to stand up to Obama. Can't speak out against the "ONE" and have the media attack you and make you a public enemy and have people show up to your house with pitch forks looking for justice. Unfortunate for us, government involvement in the economy and central planning has been shown numerous times throughout history to be an utter failure.
    Arlen Specter wasn't very conservative. His vote allowed to pass one of the most dangerous spending bills of our history that will bankrupt our nation. The name of the game for politicians is to get and keep power. He didn't have much of a chance of keeping his seat as a republican. Maybe his defection might turn out good for the Republicans by blocking a supreme court nominee from Obama. Everything happens for a reason.
    Well the ONE has said that wall street will play a less dominant role in the economy. It is just the greatest wealth creation machine in the history of the world, no big deal. Only the evil rich invest so who cares. Wealth belongs to the poor not the horrible rich. They stole it from them anyways. I guess the government will be playing the dominant role now. This is disturbing. I am not putting anymore money into my IRA until America wakes up. Already had talk about the government taking IRAs and 401ks over. No telling what it is going to be 30 years down the road. It is going to my general investment account.
    I don't sweat any of this or worry about it. It is not a surprise to me. Things are going according to plan. Just look at history to see that we have been slowly heading down this road for a long time and have a some more to go.

  8. Good points Jeff. As you point out, Specter was the most squishy of Republicans, routinely defecting to the other side on key votes. He so pissed off Republican voters in Pennsylvania that this powerful multi-term senator was about to get beaten in the Primary election by a more conservative Republican. So, grasping for power, he jumped to the party he probably should always have been in. Tough times for Republicans for sure. Time to weed out those Republicans in Name Only (RINO)who give phony 'bipartisan' cover to Obama and the Dems' sleezy agenda.

  9. It's ripe time for a good ole party purge a la Stalin. Country brief coming. I'm in the midst of finals.
