Monday, April 13, 2009

Obama's World Wuss-Out Tour

As Obama tours the world, insulting and abandoning our allies and sucking up to our enemies, sensible members of our ex-allies consider their options. This article in the Jerusalem Post is written by Caroline Glick, who is a fairly conservative Israeli and a sharp cookie. Read her article to see how nations and people that do rely on America are reacting as we cease to be the land of the free and home of the brave.

Of course, when I say "sucking up to our enemies", he's actually sucking up to his friends, Muslim dictators. Remember, we are now led by a President who hates everything about what the US has been and those who identify with what the US used to stand for.


  1. Even more important, Obama has dropped the most important pre-condition to negotiations with Iran (stopping their Uranium enrichment)...Thank god that conservatives will be taking control of Israel in the medium term as we await the end of this failure of a president....If security is achieved in these next four years, it will be inspite of this turn-coat, not because of...

  2. Obama makes me so deressed. And you guys only make it worse by pointing out his failure as a leader. A president needs to be a leader. He/she needs to have balls/uterus(always pc, we're professionals here on Robinson Talking Points). Obama has neither. Which furthermore convinces me that he is a super natural being, thus making him the anti christ.

  3. That logic is sound.

    And yeah, now we've got to rely on Israel to get things done.

  4. At least he had the gall to allow the Navy to shoot the Pirates. Funny story:

    A friend of mine is dating a guy from the Naval Academy and said that when they took out the Pirates, one of the buildings on campus had a banner flying from it the next day that said "Navy - 2 Pirates 0"

    Also interesting:

  5. Yeah, can't criticize Obama's handling of the incident, though I wonder, if the SEALs had never gotten a clean shot at all the pirates, what the next step would have been, and also, what will be the overall policy to fixing a problem that, in a world of real men, would only be a temporary nuisance before it was completely crushed.
