Sunday, November 22, 2009

AGW Hoaxters Hacked!

In October I posted an article titled "Blowing Man-Made Global Warming Out of the Hot Water".  I linked articles published by the "Watts Up With That" (shown on sidebar) and "Climate Audit" websites that showed that tree-ring data giving 'ManBearPig' Al Gore his famous Hockey Stick temperature spike at the end of the 20th century had been cherry-picked.  Now someone has gone in and hacked the computers at University of East Anglia (in the UK) where these Global Warming hoaxters are employed and shown e-mails of the scientists' scrambling in response to the exposure.  What is alarming is how the 'scientists' (they really are actually) show no hesitation to hide and distort the data presented to the public to defend their views.  This is what RTPers expect of left wing academia, but it is rare that scientific fraud is exposed like this and noteable (but not surprising) that it is applied to one of the left's key agendas.  The Powerline blog has some good articles, which I saw linked at Ace's.  But, it's going all over the internet and has even shown up in the Washington Post.

This should be huge!
Note - This bear will be just fine:


  1. That bear shouldnt survive anyway. What the hell was it doing on that small ice berg in the first place? You are telling me that it was chillin on it while it slowly melted away? hahahahaha. Mother Nature needs to end this mentally challenged bears life before it reproduces little retard cubs.

  2. I though polar bears can swim. Maybe the poor bear passed out from all of the heat and woke up and noticed all the ice had melted. Doesn't this picture tug at your heart?

    I read a little about his last night and read the links. I was really surprised to hear this, I can not believe it. It can't be true. No, I am not really surprised by this "revelation". I don't know how the major media is handling this, but I won't be surprised if they don't cover this in great detail. What does that say about the medias intentions and goals?

    Rush: "So all of liberalism is a lie. Liberalism must lie if it is to stand a chance. And the lie has been good, because the lie of liberalism has been rooted in compassion and caring, and fairness and nondiscrimination, equality, saving the planet, cleaner air, clean water -- as though people are opposed to that. Behind the lie lurks disaster; insidious, hideous, near-criminal disaster."

    Liberals can't state their true intentions; they must hide them by using good intentions or things that people can support to get the people to accept and support the Liberals desire for a bigger and more controlling government that in their ignorant eyes will create some utopia.

    From the above quote by Rush; we can see that Liberals or whatever you want to call them follow their emotions and use the pathos form of persuasion to get people to accept their doctrine,and we can see how people that who blindly follow their emotions are more likely to be mislead. You can't look at a politician's stated intentions that usually make you feel warm and fuzzy, you must put aside all of the feel-good feelings, pathos, and look at what the end result of their policies will be.

    A nation that is this dumb and stupid and easily mislead into accepting tyranny doesn't deserve freedom. America has been mortally wounded and is slowly decaying and dieing.

  3. I read this opinion piece by Lord Monckton,"This is what they did — these climate 'scientists' on whose unsupported word the world’s classe politique proposes to set up an unelected global government this December in Copenhagen, with vast and unprecedented powers to control all formerly free markets, to tax wealthy nations and all of their financial transactions, to regulate the economic and environmental affairs of all nations, and to confiscate and extinguish all patent and intellectual property rights."

    "The tiny, close-knit clique of climate scientists who invented and now drive the 'global warming' fraud — for fraud is what we now know it to be — tampered with temperature data so assiduously that, on the recent admission of one of them, land temperatures since 1980 have risen twice as fast as ocean temperatures. One of the thousands of emails recently circulated by a whistleblower at the University of East Anglia, where one of the world’s four global-temperature datasets is compiled, reveals that data were altered so as to prevent a recent decline in temperature from showing in the record. In fact, there has been no statistically significant 'global warming' for 15 years — and there has been rapid and significant cooling for nine years."

    The Copenhagen meeting will be a failure anyways.

  4. I read that the photographer that took this picture (other pictures she took show other polar bears on similar icebergs) was of a bear that was about 10 miles offshore. Well within the swim-range of polar bears, who do a lot of swimming. The bears were having fun. But, the 'Inconvenient Truth' movie-makers took the pictures and used them to paint a deceiving picture of a forlorn bear clinging to his one bit of melting iceberg.

    I still claim this is huge. Reading all the articles, you see that these are the core promotors of AGW (ie the scientists that are pushing the core science that governments around the world are using to promote Cap 'n' Trade, etc), and they are being shown to be deceptive, lying, falsifying, data-hiding cowards who are a disgrace to the label 'scientist'.

  5. I think this development is huge, but it is and will be ignored by the media and the various governments of the world. Facts don't matter. They are more concerned about pursuing their agenda.

    I think the President today restated his commitment to fighting global warming with cap and trade and the policies that will be pursued at the meeting at Copenhagen. From these developments, one can easily see that the EM or AGW has nothing to do with the environment. These developments will not stop this from happening.

    This is a perfect illustration of the fact that there are some major developments or changes are occurring in the world, and that these developments are being brought about through deceptive means and lies.

    The AGW issue is just one of many such issues, or means, that the governments of the world are pursuing to enact their global agenda of bigger government. Education, politics, religion,the economy, and many other little areas are all being used and manipulated to enact the various agendas of the various governments. I don't think that many people are aware of this fact nor will they look deep enough into matters to see what is really going on.

    I am not at all surprised by this, it only reconfirms what I already knew.

  6. I agree with your sentiment, Jeff. I don't think they're quite as coordinated in their efforts as you seem to think, but I think you're correct regarding their general intent.

  7. I am not trying to say that there is some be huge coordinated conspiracy going on. It does not matter what intentions or means that I ascribe to the events that are going on, the end result is still the same. It is what it is regardless of the reason or means behind it.
