Thursday, November 26, 2009

Great Way to Run a Government, Mr President

Happy Thanksgiving RTPers!  I just had to make this and the other quick posts before I begin to enjoy Thanksgiving.  Oh, and I'm thankful for this wonderful blog where we can share our opinions and information. 

Anyway, just a quick link to an interesting chart showing the percentage of Cabinet positions from the Private Sector vs the Academic/Government sector in all administrations since Teddy Roosevelt.  A glance will quickly tell you why this adminstration is so riddled with Marxists and incompetents.


  1. Yeah this chart is interesting. It seems like Republican Presidents like to get their team from the private sector. Academia is the only place where these incompetents can hang out. Their ideals don't survive the test of reality. Looks like we are fucked with Obama and his preference for Marxist academia.

    Another good little message is from Rush Limbaugh. He states a good lesson to learn from Thanksgiving that is not taught.

  2. I was surprised since the first thought in my head was Kennedy (famous at the time for bringing in a host of academics). But, we shouldn't be surpirsed by this, he's only upholding his liberal "mandate" and doing everything possible to change DC.
