Monday, November 30, 2009
Hope 'n' Change Fading Overseas Too?!
Compare and contrast subservience and mutual respect. As I've probably said before, I think that the rest of the world is most happy that the US is being turned back into the Pillsbury Doughboy it was during the Carter and Clinton administrations, not willing to stand up to anybody. They will never like us, regardless of what we do until we're turned into supine Euro-Socialists or a third world basketcase. Since they will never like us, it's better that they fear us than laugh at us. Unfortunately, we now have the Town Fool in the Oval Office.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Who's Going to Pay for Climate Change?

(But I think the method of making spending for the environment relative to increase in GDP as novel. We should incorporate it domestically for actual environmental programs like Forest Service, Parks, Endangered Spieces protection, fish conservation efforts, etc).
Bombs Over Tehran?

Iran is going to be one of the cases in which we weigh the effects of Soft Power pressure and the speedier results garnered by Hard/military power. The IAEA firmly rebuked Iran yesterday over its Nuclear program. The censure showed a lack of patience that Iran's friends have for the psuedo Rogue state and also increases the legitimacy of sanctions even further down the line, military action.
Although the nytimes doesn't think it is very likely that Russia will get on board for sanctions, there have been signs that they Russian may. This might be one of the few positive consequences for the removal of the Anti-Ballistic-Shield. The lack of full response by the Russians is indicative of the precarious situation they find themselves in diplomatically and a lack of full measured committment for sanctions is logical when they're unsure how far Obama wants to take this. The European position is fixed (England, France, Germany being the only heroes in this process), Russia wavering, China probably unwilling to support sanctions (but I doubt they will stand alone in vetoing sanctions if it comes to a vote in the Security Council), this leaves US. Obama needs to be the one to take the initiative. He has the diplomatic room to wait on his one year deadline for negotiations but I think the humiliating loss by the Iranian rejection of his Uranium shipment proposal leaves him with few options.
I think the disjointed leadership within Iran will make any concessions impossible as the fundamentalists in the military that Ahmadinejad uses as his clientalist allies have firmly rejected accomadation. Thus, new sanctions will inevitably be used. The only question on this front is how far will Russia participate.
Iran will take any sanctions placed against it as a propaganda ploy for people to "stand against the west" but with their already threatened legitimacy at stake following this years elections; the question will be how far is the theocracy willing to compensate deteriorating conditions with force? We immediately think force internally, but it will also be used in an increasingly aggressive bellicose stance against Israel and the US. If the people tolerate the of wealth that accompany sanctions and the repression of the regime than an Israeli attack is the only possible conclusion to this scenario.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Great Way to Run a Government, Mr President
Good Summary of the AGW Scam and Implications
A couple of summary paragraphs:
Clamoring alarmists can and will spin this until they're dizzy. The ever-clueless mainstream media can and will ignore this until it's forced upon them as front-page news, and then most will join the alarmists on the denial merry-go-round.What is distressing for our modern society is the realization that people who claim to be scientists can behave in such an un-scientific manner, in fact that they behave just like the rest of us selfish, greedy, highly-biased humans. Scientific and technological advancement is based on the Scientific Method of reproduceable results. The scientists doing this research are usually (by necessity) dealing with highly specialized data and jargon that the layperson can't follow easily or at all. We trust the scientific/technological community to rigorously fact-check and verify the results before they come to us and say "the universe is not as you know it". Global Warming alarmists want to fundamentally change our lives, to greatly diminish our standard of living because of the implications of this seriously flawed 'science'. If we can't trust the Scientific Method to keep their shit straight, we will never be able to trust what they say. Sort of like what the Main-Stream Media have done to themselves, except with far more serious implications.
But here's what’s undeniable: If a divergence exists between measured temperatures and those derived from dendrochronological data (Bud-D: tree-ring data) after (circa) 1960, then discarding only the post-1960 figures is disingenuous, to say the least. The very existence of a divergence betrays a potential serious flaw in the process by which temperatures are reconstructed from tree-ring density. If it's bogus beyond a set threshold, then any honest man of science would instinctively question its integrity prior to that boundary. And only the lowliest would apply a hack in order to produce a desired result. (Bud-D comment: The scientists are saying that the rules that justified their use of tree-ring data prior to 1960 can be thrown out for the post-1960 period and recorded temperatures used instead. This is similar to Creationists saying, "sure carbon-dating works until 6000 BC, but that's when God changed the rules of physics". The scientists are acting exactly like strict Bible literalist priests here).
And to do so without declaring as such in a footnote on every chart in every report in every study in every book in every classroom on every website that such a corrupt process is relied upon is not just a crime against science, it’s a crime against mankind.(bold Bud-D's)
Anti White Discrimination
I laughed and grabbed Ashley and had her watch. I dont really think the video supports my argument, but I always give Ashley shit for listening to rap. I tell her she has "jungle fever". This video kind of depicts what she wants.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"'2009 is the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.'"
This statement fits perfectly into what Lord Monckton stated. This fits right into the previous post. I think this is interesting because it confirms the fact that the finical crises has changed the nature of the world order and it confirms that the global warming scare is being used to bring about some "global management" of the planet. From various sources I have read and heard, some form of a global government is slowly coming about. The economic crises and global warming are two of the tools that are being used to bring about this global government. When one looks at this from the perspective of the development of civilization, one can see that a global government or a globally connected world is the natural course of events for a civilization. The question is what form will this government take and will it be a beneficial thing? Considering that it is being brought about through deception, GW and the Economic crises that was the result of government action, this government does not look like it will be good for freedom; but will instead take the form that Tocqueville talked about--a mild, meek and savior/parental government. There won't be a complete one-world government anytime soon, but the framework or foundation for such a system is being slowly developed or brought about through deception so that it can be quickly set up in a short period of time when a world-wide crises presents itself--a global economic crises is a real possibility or some war.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
AGW Hoaxters Hacked!
This should be huge!
Note - This bear will be just fine:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
An interesting point of view on the current finical crises.
Einstein Explains why Burning Fuels and Splitting Atoms are easily the most efficient ways to Produce Energy
A good article in the Energy Tribune where the author takes Einstein's Theory of Relativity and uses it in layman's terms to explain why you are able to get a great big huge hunk o' power by burning stuff or splitting atoms, as opposed to turning wind turbines or water turbines or sucking rays through solar panels, and is one reason why green power is four to five times more expensive than nasty dirty coal power (it would be even more expensive than coal power if the government didn't regulate coal so much).
A couple of key paragraphs drawing on the implications of the equation above:
There is only so much energy we can draw from renewable sources. They are limited, either by the velocities attained, or by the distance that solar energy must travel to reach the earth. So is there anyplace in nature where we can take advantage of that “c2” co-efficient and tap transformations of matter into energy? There is one that we have used through history. It is called “chemistry.”
coupled with:
When we burn a gallon of gasoline, one-billionth of the mass of the gasoline is completely transformed into energy. This transformation occurs in the electron shells. The amount is so small that nobody has ever been able to measure it. Yet the energy release is large enough to propel a 2000-pound automobile for 30 miles – a remarkable feat when you think of it.Read the whole thing and impress your friends with your ability to use Einstein's Theory of Relativity to explain the foolhardiness of wasting money developing vast arrays of wind farms or solar farms, or even hydros when we have plenty of coal and natural gas as well as the ability to develop clean, safe nuclear plants.
Still, electrons make up only 0.01 percent of the mass of an atom. The other 99.99 percent is in the nucleus of the atom. And so the question arose, would it be possible to tap the much greater amount of energy stored in the nucleus the way we tap the energy in the electrons through chemistry?
Mamma's Pissed
It has Palin lookin bomber than ever and acts like its a bad thing. Newsweek is showing a sexy picture of a woman and then hates on her. Is Newsweek trying to say that women who look good are stupid and incompitent at leadership? Judging the cover of the magazine it only leads me to assume so.
I can't believe Dad was subscribed to this magazine for so many years. Was this a recent change in their journalism agenda? Or have they always been this horrible?
Administrator's Note: ToeJamm, when posting about the person whom the left likes to call Caribou Barbie (which I think sounds pretty hot!) a picture must be posted. I've taken care of this for you:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Music is as hard as rock
I don't think it will hurt the production of music nor the quality. You have to remember that the best artists are very talented and passionate about their art. I was at a open mic night in east portland at The Goodfoot. I didnt expect to see much, but by the end of the night was amazed. There was about six different acts that I saw and they only lasted about three songs long. All but one were better than 95% of music on the radio. One guy played an accordian/base kick drum/snare drum/tamborine/harmonica all at the same time(he switched the right hand to use the tambourine and snare drum) and with him was a cute chick who played violin/vocals. They played remarkably well and in sync. There was other bands too that had great talent. No one got payed a dime.
I was worried that music might lose its steam. But I am now thoroughly convinced that there will always be great music created and performed. It might be slightly harder to find, but then again, taking a ten minute drive to The Goodfoot on wednesday night isnt hard at all.
I might sound like a hippie and have no works cited in this post to add credibility, but I don't think the most talented artists are driven by music at all.
Dobbs Leaves CNN
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A confession of a supporter of health care reform.
The typical argument for ObamaCare is that it will offer better medical care for everyone and cost less to do it, but occasionally a supporter lets the mask slip and reveals the real political motivation. So let's give credit to John Cassidy, part of the left-wing stable at the New Yorker, who wrote last week on its Web site that "it's important to be clear about what the reform amounts to."
Mr. Cassidy is more honest than the politicians whose dishonesty he supports. "The U.S. government is making a costly and open-ended commitment," he writes. "Let's not pretend that it isn't a big deal, or that it will be self-financing, or that it will work out exactly as planned. It won't. What is really unfolding, I suspect, is the scenario that many conservatives feared. The Obama Administration . . . is creating a new entitlement program, which, once established, will be virtually impossible to rescind."
Why are they doing it? Because, according to Mr. Cassidy, ObamaCare serves the twin goals of "making the United States a more equitable country" and furthering the Democrats' "political calculus." In other words, the purpose is to further redistribute income by putting health care further under government control, and in the process making the middle class more dependent on government. As the party of government, Democrats will benefit over the long run.
This explains why Nancy Pelosi is willing to risk the seats of so many Blue Dog Democrats by forcing such an unpopular bill through Congress on a narrow, partisan vote: You have to break a few eggs to make a permanent welfare state. As Mr. Cassidy concludes, "Putting on my amateur historian's cap, I might even claim that some subterfuge is historically necessary to get great reforms enacted."
No wonder many Americans are upset. They know they are being lied to about ObamaCare, and they know they are going to be stuck with the bill.
Well, the President said the same thing. Damn, I thought this was about health care and taking care of the poor pitiful O so poor people and saving babies. Well most people think this and are blinded by the disguise of helping people and taking care of them. How can you be against helping the poor and sick and babies? I have talked to well meaning people that think like this. People are being mislead and misdirected into creating a tyrannical and all controlling government. America is very slowly and very gradually evolving into a welfare state with an large and powerful government. As long as one can work, as a slave does not matter, and make money and watch sports and drink a beer and read my pop culture magazine and watch the movie rewards and American Idol, why would one care? This is a major step to achieving this goal and controlling one sixth of the US economy. The current health care bill won't pass, but something that will eventually lead to, much later down the road, the government being the sole provider of our health care will pass. Come on now. We need to pass this, help them sick folks and babies out. Evil insurance companies and Evil Capitalism are preventing people from getting their health care. Government is going to save us from this!
Monday, November 9, 2009
This Is Rock: The Post Melkor Should Have Written

Melkor was home last Christmas and mentioned a band he thought was really great called Muse. About a month ago, Decoy left a CD of the album The Resistance laying around. I listened to it and understood what Melkor was raving about:
Combining overambitious rock/classical/operatic styles like glam bands Roxy Music & Queen did in their prime with a modern rock attitude, and just as importantly, modern technology, Muse may just be the best band to come around in a couple of generations. Yes, this reviewer is totally bowled over and is wondering if just maybe the rock opera album, The Resistance, is one of the top 5 albums of all time. And they excelled in a genre (the rock opera) that no one except The Who with Tommy and Quadrophenia ever successfully pulled off.
The band is able to pull off rip-roaring rockers (Stockholm Syndrome) as well as classical symphonies (Exogenesis). And the thing is, that symphony isn't a joke. That sounds as legit as anything you'd hear on a classical music station, but with rock drums and guitars mixed in, accentuating it rather than ruining it. Masterful.
I thought, there's no way they can repeat this stuff live, but I thought wrong. Check out this live performance of Stockholm Syndrome: ass kickin'!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Follow Up On US-Chinese Trade Dispute
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"Workers of the world unite!" More interesting people in postions of power and influence in our government.
Andy Stern is the President of the Service Employ International Union. Unions are a means to bring about bigger government. This guy has visited the White House twenty two times. He is working towards building a global organization or as he puts it, " "workers of the world unite". I just finished reading a book on the regimes of Hitler and Stalin and this term was the battle cry of communism and Stalin's goal of a global Bolshevik revolution. Communism in its raw, naked form is dead; but a mild and meek version under the guise of taking care of us is attempting to establish itself in America. To see this just look at some of the people that are in positions of power in our government. The video is one minute and fifteen seconds. I think what this guy is trying to say is fairly obvious.
Have you heard of Anita Dunn the White house communication director? She admires a very interesting person. Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa are her favorite political philosopher and the two people she turns to most. The first two minutes is the relevant part. Mao was a communist that killed between forty and seventy million people. Why would this be here favorite political philosopher? I am trying to understand what she is trying to say from this clip. Maybe she is saying you don't have to follow someone else's path or definition of how to do things but you can admire them?
The manufacturing Czar has some interesting thoughts. I don't know the complete context of what he is talking about. Is he being sarcastic? When I look at what other people in the Obama White House have said, I have some doubts about him being sarcastic or joking here.
Generally speaking, we get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to gain the system. To beat the market or at least find someone who will pay a lot of money cause they're convinced that there is a free lunch. We know it is largely about power, that it's an adult only no limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely comes from the barrel of a gun, and we get it that if you want a friend you should get a dog.The free market is nonsense?
The list of people with an affinity for communism in positions of power in our government keep growing. When will the list end? A part of me wants to hopes these quotes are taken out of context. It looks like with the results of these current elections that the public opinion is changing and these people are running out of time; but the Left's goal of bringing about this form of government will never end, and I believe this goal will eventually be realized in some form at a much later date. I guess the election of Obama shows how people react when it seems like the economy is crumbling and things seem very bad--they elect a charismatic-savior-like leader with an affinity for communism that can speak well , has rock star power, has a nice slogan with a nice and catchy ring, and wants to fundamentally transform America. I hope all of this debt doesn't create an even worse economic situation or even an economic collapse. Who will the people elect to fix that mess?
Monday, November 2, 2009
London Times Commentary on Replacement of Dollar
WSJ: Worst Bill Ever

but we believe it is no stretch to say that Mrs. Pelosi's handiwork ranks with the Smoot-Hawley tariff and FDR's National Industrial Recovery Act as among the worst bills Congress has ever seriously contemplated.
Wow. That's about as serious a slam as is possible to make. What is so maddening is how effortlessly the Democrats shade and hide the truth to get their bill passed.
Even so, the House disguises hundreds of billions of dollars in additional costs with budget gimmicks. It "pays for" about six years of program with a decade of revenue, with the heaviest costs concentrated in the second five years. The House also pretends Medicare payments to doctors will be cut by 21.5% next year and deeper after that, "saving" about $250 billion. ObamaCare will be lucky to cost under $2 trillion over 10 years; it will grow more after that.
Read the whole thing. Get some learnin'. Good stuff.