Monday, May 25, 2009

What Really Grinds My Gears

You wanna know what really grinds my gears?

I think I told this story to dad and Jeff, but I'll say it again for all the readers out there.

I know a recieving clerk at a Fred Meyers whos name is Dave. He is a good man. He spent a tour in Vietnem as a soldier in the infantry. He has done what this country has asked of him and I respect him. He tells me about his daughter and her boyfriend. "My daughter and her boyfriend are both on unemployment. Both of them have car payments and rent out an apartment. I asked her if she was gonna get a job and she said they were gonna take the summer off. They'll try to get jobs in september." Dave said.

Two weeks later on a saturday I spent a half hour puking over the toilet at one of my safeways on my route. It happened to be three in the morning and I had the stomach flu. I'll bet Dave's daughter and her nasty fucking boyfriend were either passed out or still drinking from a long and eventful friday night. I can't stand free loaders.

I ended up working 13 hours that day. You know they say that a third of every work day goes to taxes. I hope you enjoy, free loaders! No big deal!


  1. Well, my personal goal in life is to work as hard as I can and try to make money and have all the luxuries in life that would make my family happy. I get so angry when I think of my government as being another barrier in my way in stead of an enabler. You know? I want to kick Obama in the teeth for trying to deprive the hard working and ambitious people.

  2. I want to crush my enemies. That is all.

  3. I like that. I kind of feel the same way. I guess what you call your enemies is the real question.

  4. I remember hearing a quote that said to this effect: that when a people learn that they can vote people into office a person that will take wealth from one class of people and give it to them then this is the point that a free society will be doomed. Another good quote I got off of is: "In general the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other." [Voltaire]

    Eventually all of these free loaders are going to have a wake up call. Hopefully everybody else will be spared.

    The government loves people looking to them to take care of them. They have all of these welfare programs that give people incentives to not work. They are promoting a culture of dependence.

  5. I think what you're looking for is "When (Americans) discover that they can vote themselves money from the public till, the experiment will be over." Alexis de Tocqueville, who I think was a great admirer of America in the 1800s commenting on how long the American Democracy can last. It's useful to note that the Ancient Greeks, who developed the term 'democracy', meant it to mean 'mob-rule'. They preferred Republics, which is really what the US was set up to be.

    As long as most people felt that they could get ahead by working hard themselves, our Democracy was healthy. Once it gets to the point where a majority feel that they can vote themselves money rather than earning there way themselves, then "the experiment will be over". My friends (in John McCain voice), we may just be there.

  6. Ha! I love how Bud-d ended his comment.

    I read the Reagan farewell speech yesterday. I am now going to make it a point to talk to my children about what America is and was while we are eating at the dinner table.

  7. I believe that is the quote.

    This is a broad topic. I just read a chapter about mob rule and the definition of democracy, a little above my head. In short, Democracy can mean several different things. The strict definition of democracy is mob rule. There is no rule of law. Not good.

    The other is America with rule of law, a representative democracy or a republic. I think America is becoming the first definition, especially with the recent supreme court nominee and the eroding of the rule of law, look at what happened to the secured lenders in the GM bankruptcy, and the courts looking to international law when deciding a case.

    Bud-d's last paragraph has something to do with my point about a society needing to be moral and constrain their passions in order for it to survive.

    It would be nice if their were a leader like Reagan to help turn the direction that this country is heading
