Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Ditzy Gay Marriage Opponent" Caught in Topless Photos!

Again via Ace: You've heard the dustup over Miss California's stated opposition to gay marriage in the Miss USA competition: now see topless photos of the current most famous opponent of gay marriage...HAWT!!!

Update: Reference Photo: Miss California


  1. Anybody that comes out and stands for any conservative beliefs is being attacked because they pose a threat to the liberals and their agenda. I think it is wrong how people are coming out attacking her for standing up for her beliefs. But I guess it presented her with a cause to stand up for and an opportunity to make a name for herself, like Joe the Plumber.

    Nobody is interested in the Chrysler bankruptcy and what is happening to the private bondholders. This is setting a dangerous precedent. And will have an effect on private lending to struggling companies. So who will lend? The government will, thus causing more government ownership of private businesses. Now the White House is attacking the private investors. This is communism. Instead of paraphrasing the article I will just list the web address.

  2. Gotcha! The point of all this is to show that Beauty Pageant contestants are grilled harder on their positions than our Empty Suit president is. If you've followed the Miss USA story, she has been raked over the coals for daring to say she opposed gay marriage (a position a majority in this country agree with), while our president, in one of the few areas he is more or less with Conservatives, faces no questions or publicity at all regarding that position.

    A very pathetic situation for the supposed Free Press in this nation when Beauty Pageant contestants are scrutinized (politically) more agressively than the president. Now why do you think that is...?

  3. Yeah, I got fooled. Most of the press is a propaganda machine for the Liberal cause.

  4. I should have posted a picture of Miss California as well, for information's sake. She actually will probably be a new Joe The Plumber. I'll try to update the post to show that.

  5. My eyes bled opening that....

    But as to the general conversation, yeah, statements that are indicative of conservative stances are ridiculed as "dumb, backwards" it's an attempt to make a norm for people to avoid being labeled as such.

    Let's just hope Miss California follows in the footsteps of another former beauty queen...

  6. Good point Anonymous. And I detect a fellow Sarah fan!

  7. Any woman that looks as hot as Miss California can say anything she wants and it really won't matter, because how many of us are actually listening to her when she's speaking anyway?

  8. I judge people based on what they say and stand for. It is a plus if they are female and look good. According to Wikipedia, Swimsuit and Evening Wear comprise 35 percent of the overall score used to judge contestants in the Miss American pageant. But I guess what a nice looking woman that is wearing a swimsuit says is looked at with less esteem.

  9. Dudes, you're missing my point I think, and that's easy to do with the pleasant viewing on the main page: The "Ditzy Gay Marriage Opponent" I'm talking about is the one in the White House. I doubt Carrie Prejean is a ditz. The point is, this young girl is being hounded for her beliefs, yet the Empty Suit in the White House, who holds virtually identical views, is not questioned about it at all! Why isn't the press beating him up about it? Where is Perez Hilton's tirades against him? Of course, the answer is clear: though they disagree with Obama on this issue, covering for Their Messiah is Job 1 in America!!!

  10. There is obviously a double standard. The simple fact is that the media for the most part supports and loves Obama. Chris Matthews gets a "tingle up his leg" talking about the guy. That sums it up. Most of the owners of these big news outlets are big democrat supporters.

    Prejean is voicing conservative principles and in the eyes of the liberals she needs to be destroyed for that.
