Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"America's November revolution and Obama's National security force

I read an interesting article from American Thinker.com. It draws parallels between what is happening now in America and what happened during the Russian revolution: the level of control that the government is gaining over the economic system and the whole nation. The article also pointed out President Obama's plans for a civilian national security force.

The article points out President Obama's plan and desire for a national security force. As stated during his campaign for the Presidency: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." What does he mean by this? The article from worldnet daily has some interesting and funny videos, especially the Obama youth squad, about this and states that the bill H.R. 388 passed to increase the funding and size of AmeriCorps by billions of dollars. "AmeriCorps is a U.S. federal government program that was created under President Bill Clinton by the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993." AmeriCorps and ACORN interact with each other. ACORN is the community activist group that Obama had dealings with and was a member of. The goal of the group's leadership is to bring about a socialist America by collapsing the economic system and having a socialist system rising out of the ruins. ACORN is a broad topic and it is interesting to note how the organization has become interwoven through many groups that want to bring about the bigger government agenda--the roots run deep. It is an interesting topic to look up and worth noting the group's goals and the fact that the President had dealings with them.

This could be the beginning of a large national security/volunteer force, similar to that of past nations with a big government. The volunteers will not be wearing uniforms and saluting some leader, as in the video above; but instead, they will be a huge base of people being setup, directed, lead, and educated by the government in an indirect manner. They will be ready to do the bidding of the government in the name of the collective good. In other words, the service won't be in the name of some leader, but the service will be in the name of the collective welfare. The service will not be necessarily required, but something that people will willingly volunteer their time to. To put it into perspective you need to look at what was happening during the Great Depression and the level of control that the government had and wanted to have over the country and the large public work projects that the government had people involved in; so, at this point, it is not as massive as what occurred then, but this could be laying the seeds of a civilian national security force that the government can use as an instrument to implement and maintain its control and influence over the people while not appearing to be working for the interests of the government but instead appear to be working for the people. The foundation for a system of control necessary for a big government is being quietly laid and being established in many areas of the fabric of our society. Just worth noting and keeping up on.

I have learned from my American government class textbook and lectures that this form of government and tyranny was foreseen by the founders, and they realized that a government would naturally increase its size and power as result of the flaws of human nature ; thus, leading to tyranny. This nature was well stated by Lord Acton, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Not some big plan or design necessarily. But certain special interest groups can help this form of government come about faster by promoting the programs, policies, and cultural changes that leads to its realization. The founders realized that freedom depends on the morality and diligence of the people.

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