Thursday, May 21, 2009

Environmentalism as a vehicle to carry communism and its' agenda into America.

I have a lot of broad topics I want to cover. I will start with something short.

Communism and socialism is and has been trying to creep into America since the time of The Great Depression. The book by John T. Flynn 'The Road Ahead; America's creeping revolution' illustrates this point and gives examples. (I have yet to read this book.) The American Left was enamored with the Soviet Revolution and many of the ideals and concepts of socialism and communism. They realized America would never accept a complete revolution or the ideals of communism. So they decided to infiltrate the two big political parties in America, and to bring about the socialist ideals by slow gradual means, including the environmental movement(I will use the abbreviation EM), look at how socialism crept into Britain. The EM movement is being used as a disguise and an excuse to increase the size and power and reach of the government. It is a manufactured crisis used to rally people for a common cause and a crisis used to scare people into accepting more government.

I believe Environmentalism is one of the vehicles that Communism is using to achieve the goal of a communistic America. Why do I say this? I am using Patrick Moore's one of the the founders of Greenpeace, a well know environmental group, statement and observations about the movement he helped to found and the background of some of the prominent members of the movement who are in position of power. Also, I notice that the EM is being used as an manufactured crisis to get people to accept bigger government. Everything used to combat "Climate Change" leads to bigger government. Another point, the leader of the Communist Party USA stated that the election of President Obama was an opportunity enact economic reforms to include "combating" global warming. Communism is being transported into America by the EM.

Patrick Moore was an early founder and member of the well know environmental group Greenpeace. He left Greenpeace and founded his own environmental group called Greenspirit. He left Greenpeace because he believed the EM including Greenpeace had been taken over by hard left radicals who were not concerned for the environment or science. His own words: "The once politically centrist, science-based vision of environmentalism has been largely replaced with extremist rhetoric. Science and logic have been abandoned and the movement is often used to promote other causes such as class struggle and anti-corporatism. The public is left trying to figure out what is reasonable and what is not." He also stated about who moved into the movement(slithered into): "Surprisingly enough the second event that caused the environmental movement to veer to the left was the fall of the Berlin Wall. Suddenly the international peace movement had a lot less to do. Pro-Soviet groups in the West were discredited. Many of their members moved into the environmental movement bringing with them their Eco-Marxism and pro-Sandinista sentiments." Just like the peace movement was not about peace, but about defeating America during the Cold War; the EM is not about the environment; but, instead, about bringing Communism to America. Sure there were some hippies that truly believed in the beliefs of the peace movement, like Jane Fonda, but I like the term 'Useful Idiots', coined by Vladimir Lenin, to describe these people. So according the the observation of Patrick Moore the Pro-Soviet, communist, groups took over the movement.

I am sure you have heard of President Obama's climate czarina-- czar that reminds me of Russia-- Carol Browner. She was a member of the Socialist group Socialist International, the umbrella group for 170 "social democratic, socialist and labor parties" in 55 countries. She is helping to push through Cap and Trade, another topic, and the environmental agenda. A socialist is in a position of power in the American government.,2933,479935,00.html

Van Jones is an environmentalist appointed to advise the White House on environmental issues and has interesting ties to communism. He was a member of 'Storm' a group who worked with know communist. "T
he leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM's influences as "third-worldist Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism)." His view on environmental activism: "Jones, formerly a self-described "rowdy black nationalist," boasted in a 2005 interview that his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class "justice."(Sounds reminiscence of communism) Well his Communist group fell apart so he just moved, slithered, into environmentalism. A communist is advising the White House on environmental issues.

A good youtube video to illustrate the point of "Climate Change" being used as an excuse to rally the people for a common cause in favor of more government is Obama's road to serfdom. Notice at the beginning of President Obama's speech how he uses "Climate Change" as a rally point for the world to unite for a common purpose. The speech is sounds to me like it is coming from a collectivist.

The leader of the Communist Party USA stated that with Obama in the White house it is a "dream come true" because it will allow economic and other reforms to take place that will advance the communist agenda here in America. One of the reforms he listed on his list of things that can be achieved with Obama in office included addressing global warming: "Isn't it possible in the post-Bush era to launch a vigorous attack on global warming and create millions of green jobs in manufacturing and elsewhere?" So here we have the leader of the Communist party stating that global warming in on his agenda. He doesn't care about the enviroment; he only cares about progressing the communist agenda. The EM is being used as a smoke screen to bring about communism in America.

I do not think all environmentalist are communist. I do believe there is a need for common sense environmental regulations. I don't think most supporters of the EM realize how their movement is being used to expand government. The 'Useful Idiots' are giving voice to a movement, just like the peace movement, that is bringing communism into America. I hope they look more closely at their movement and look at one of its' unstated goals--a communist America. We must look at what the policies they are pushing for will lead to. "Don't bother to examine a folly—ask yourself only what it accomplishes. I want to point out how the EM is being used to promote bigger government and spread the Communist agenda in America.-- All in the name of preventing a non existent crisis. It is now accepted that the Earth is actually going through a cooling phase. Why did the climates of Mars Jupiter, Saturn warm at the same time Earth did? Maybe solar activity. Another debate.


  1. I'll have to read these links when I get more time. I haven't heard of Patrick Moore, but I have heard of 'Road to Serfdom'. I 100% agree with you Jeff, and I, at least used to, consider myself an environmentalist. Manufactured crises: cures for which enhance big government and stifle capitalism. This is a MAJOR KEY to almost everything that is going on and not just in the environmental arena. The sad thing is that there really is a need for environmental watchdogs. I do care about the environment. But virtually all issues right now are based on what you say above. Good post. More later.

  2. I used to be a hard core environmentalis too. Then I realized how good it felt and how convenient it was to throw trash any where I was. Looking for a garbage can takes up about two minutes of every day of my life. If I live to a modest age of 75 then I would have wasted 51,100 minutes of my time. I assumed that I didn't start throwing trash away until I was 5 too. So those minutes only accounted for 70 years. So the sum of minutes could be even more since I have Patrick throw stuff away for me all the time.

  3. I believe we should use the environment wisely and take care of it to a reasonable extent. I love nature and hate to see it wasted and destroy it for no reason.

    Patrick Moore help to found and early memeber greenpeace. The left leaning wikipedia article give a general background.

    The culture of death and sacrificing human lives to mother nature is another interesting aspect of the EM. Read 'United in Hate by Jamie Glazov for the culture of death that surrounds those who follow communism etc. For example, CAFE standards leads to more human deaths.
    The greens are helping to keep Africa a third world nation. More human suffering.
    Saving the environment almost always involves humans dieing and a lower standard of living for us. A new out growth of the old pagan religions that worships nature and sacrifices humans to please there gods, I.E. nature. Nothing new. The article 'The Philosophy of Privation' by Ayn rand is a good read on the EM.

    The EM is only one of the avenues of approach that government is using to increase its size and power. The EM probably one of the biggest approach. Education(most universities are liberal), economics(control people), politics, unions, pop culture(promotes immoral behavior that leads to the enslavement of a people and promotes the liberal world view point), and religion are also some other approaches to this goal. The 'Road ahead; America's creeping revolution is an interesting read on the subject of communism and socialism creeping into America.

  4. Actually Peter Schwartz wrote 'the Philosophy of Privation' in the book 'Return of the Primitive: The anti-industrial revolution.'

  5. Good to see you're putting your offspring to work, ToeJamm. ToeJamm sarcastically (I think) commented about littering, and that brings up something that, at least for me, needs to be clear: I'm not saying do away with the Federal government, or that many environmental laws, or drug laws for example, or whatever, are necessarily wrong. Just that The People need to keep The Government in check and The Government needs to know that it is The Servant of The People, not the other way around.
