Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Higher Taxes = Less Income

Wall Street Journal, bringin' the facts to show that raising taxes in a particular state does not result in that state becoming more prosperous. This is important info that all of us should have in the reference library in our heads. We all know that higher taxes causes capital flight, less jobs, and ultimately lower tax income for states. But where's the proof? Here it is to throw down with in your next argument with a lib.


  1. Hmmmm...This is interesting. I already knew that higher taxes was bad for business. But this explains why Frito Lay's headquarters is in Dallas and Plano Texas.

  2. I agree with this statement. You can't raise taxes on the rich and not have it affect everybody, especially the poor. Another good article: http://www.heritage.org/Research/Taxes/wm327.cfm

    The question for me is why does the government insist on raising taxes in light of the over whelming evidence that raising any tax rate on any group of people, especially the rich, results in less tax revenue for the government and an overall worse economic condition? If a state raises taxes on the rich the rich will just move out; therefor, making the state poorer, look at New York City as an example. These people in charge are smart. They know the history and statistics. I think they are willing to promoting their agenda of bigger government and economics "fairness" over the economic well being of the nation. They are helped in the matter by the ignorance of the American people.

  3. A lot of our governments decisions are just obviously stupid. Asking why they are doing things that are so plainly wrong is a waste of breathe. I just can't figure it out either.

  4. I don't believe they are stupid. Most of what is happening is going according to plan and is done with a goal in mind.(I don't believe it some big conspiracy.) I do believe that communism is creeping in the back door. The book by John T. Flynn: The Road Ahead; America's creeping revolution states how socialism and communism is creeping into America( I have yet to read the book yet). They know they can't defeat America by conventional means so they are using other means.

  5. Government is full of people just like you and me. It is only human nature that once you get power you want more. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look back at history to. I believe everything fits together like a puzzle. Could just me trying to put order to a disorderly world.

  6. Yeah, I think it's a combination, like you say Jeff. Take the military for example: I don't believe the hierarchy of the military is inherently socialistic or communistic. In fact, they probably think they are doing their best to fight these things. Yet, they feed at the taxpayer-provided trough as vigorously as any other branch of the government. You want to protect your job, expand your responsibilities, expand what you think you and your group can do. It's natural and normal to think that. Not evil or stupid, though maybe shortsighted.

    However, in addition to that normal tendency, many branches of government are filled with career workers who are left wing, or feel that government is the solution to all problems. Not evil people. Doing what they think is right for America (I believe Obama falls in this category). But what they feel is right, is exactly wrong. Big government stifles competition, initiative, ingenuity.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A good quote: "The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods."[H. L. Mencken]

    I can't say what people think. Most politicians are only looking out for their own self interesting when promoting bigger government. Power corrupts and this is why people need to restrain their selves and have some sense of morals or ethical code. Maybe President Obama does believe he is doing the right things. He views America as an evil country that needs to be changed. The wealth needs to be put back in the hands of its rightful owners. Either way, it is wrong and is leading this nation down a dangerous road. Look at history. All of this should be opposed on the ideal front.
