Monday, September 7, 2009

Van Jones gets booted. What did his appointment reveal about President Obama and the direction our government is taking?

President Obama's green jobs czar Van Jones resigned after it was revealed that he was a 911 truther, he signed a petition that was, "a call for immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur." This fact lead to him resigning. It is interesting that some of his other radical beliefs did not lead to him resigning earlier. He has also said many radical things, too many to be included here. '"Jones who was identified as a self-described radical communist and 'rowdy black nationalist' who said his environmental activism was actually a means to fight for racial and class 'justice.'" Here is a little background information on this guy.

Jones has a desire to transform our system by using the environmental movement, "so the green economy will start off as a small subset we are going to push it and push it and push it until it becomes an engine for transforming the whole society." Two weeks before he started working for the White House he gave a speech: "During his speech, available on YouTube, Jones threw around terms like "eco-apartheid" and "green for some," and preached about spreading the wealth while positing a call to "change the whole system." Spreading the Wealth around sounds like a well known political philosophy that has lead Mankind down some of its darkest hours. Does he mean to change the whole system into one that will spread the wealth around? It is interesting that Obama has stated that his goal is to "fundamentally transform America". Was he referring to the same transformation that Jones was talking about? Why would the President say that this guy is a close friend and appoint him as his advisor if the President did not share many of Jones' beliefs and goals? The fact that we was put there by the President reveals a lot about Obama's beliefs and goals.

This is good discussion on the people running our government and their agenda of transforming America.

Does this mean that this is the last that we will see of him? "Perhaps you think the Van Jones appointment as a White House czar was an aberration and, now that he is gone, America will never hear from him again. Think again. His biggest fans and closest friends tell a much different story. For instance, Don Hazen, executive director of the Independent Media Institute, a "progressive" alternative media outlet heavily funded by the likes Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation, says Jones' talents were actually wasted in the position of "green jobs czar" Barack Obama gave him.[...] Hazen calls departing from the White House a "liberation" for Jones. Not only is this better for Jones, says Hazen, it's better for the 'progressive' movement because Jones is the leader it needs on the outside." This last statement reveals a lot about what the progressive movement stands for. How can they say this about a man who holds these radical beliefs and has describe himself as a communist and not agree with his beliefs and goals of bringing about racial justice and a transformation of our society through the environmental movement?

This guy is probably the most well know radical in our government; but there are several other radical people in Obama's cabinet, Obama included, and who are advising him. When I look at what these people believe and what they want to achieve, it seems like there is some type of quite revolution occurring in our country. It is easy to dismiss these facts as some far-out-there thing, but it is worth noting to see what our Government and Country is transforming into. It is hard not to believe these people's own words. It is amazing that people with these beliefs are in charge of our Country. I wonder how close they will come to achieving their goals before they are booted out; and once they are booted out, will the transformation be reversed to any great extent? America and the World has been heading towards some New World order that will be brought about in the future; and with recent events, America is taking giant leaps towards this new system of government. In my opinion, the people who hold current positions of power in our government and their beliefs and goals and policies are one indication of this fact. I suppose there has always been revolutions and transformations of societies all throughout human history, so this is nothing new nor is it a big deal.


  1. Good summary. I believe, and I know most RTP readers believe that Obama is giving us exactly the government that he campaigned for. He is fulfilling the dreams of leftist/progressive/communist/socialist/...whatever you want to call Left/Liberal types of people. Obama put Jones there because he wanted someone like Jones in that position. Jones is a perfect fit for what Obama wants that position to do. Good for the Left. America voted for it and America got it.

    The real question is, is America overall tilted this far to the left, or is it filled with a vast quantity of retarded, inattentive do-whatever-the-media-tells-them types? "Jon Stewart say Bush-Bad, so Bush-Bad!" "Jon Stewart say Obama good, so Obama good!"

    I really don't know the answer.

    If America really is tilted this far to the left, then RTP readers better prepare to gird our loins! It's going to be a rough ride!

    Also, again, for the thousandth time, imagine the equivalent happening in the Bush administration and the outrage. Here, the New York Times didn't even report there was an issue until the guy was fired.

  2. America is mostly a conservative country and it will eventually get tired of the current policies and government. The question is how far will the current government be able to achieve its goals of remaking America into a more just and fair country, and if those policies can be undone? I think this recent election shows how people reacted to a modest "crises". I wonder how people would have reacted if there were a real crises? This fact shows how America could quickly choose to put itself under the yoke of a tyrannical form, the Tocqueville type, if a big enough catalyst presents itself--like a real economic collapse.

    America has been headed down this road for a while now, and recently it has been very pronounced. I am sure the country will take a few steps back during the next two election cycles, but overall we will be closer to the country's final destination.
