Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is America making the same mistakes that led to a world wide economic depression and is the dollar no longer the premier global currency.

(Many of my post are repeating themselves.) According to a new pamphlet published by the institute for economic affairs--the answer is yes, "Barack Obama is committing the same mistakes made by policymakers during the Great Depression, according to a new study endorsed by Nobel laureate James Buchanan." (You can read the full document here.) I guess the fact that the study is endorsed by a Nobel Laureate makes this a credible statement. It goes on to say that, "His policies even have the potential to consign the US to a similar fate as Argentina, which suffered a painful and humiliating slide from first to Third World status last century, the paper says." Although the country is headed down this path, I don't think things will get that bad. premier

Government spending money to solve the economic situation will hurt the economy in the long run. "In particular, the authors, economists Charles Rowley of George Mason University and Nathanael Smith of the Locke Institute, claim that the White House's plans to pour hundreds of billions of dollars of cash into the economy will undermine it in the long run. They say that by employing deficit spending and increased state intervention President Obama will ultimately hamper the long-term growth potential of the US economy and may risk delaying full economic recovery by several years." There is no doubt that the current economic policies are designed to purposely hurt the economy for the purpose of remaking it and America.

The current economic policies being carried out are comparable to what FDR did, and his policies hurt the economy and delayed economic recovery. "The study represents a challenge to the widely held view that Keynesian fiscal policies helped the US recover from the Depression which started in the early 1930s. The authors say: "[Franklin D Roosevelt's] interventionist policies and draconian tax increases delayed full economic recovery by several years by exacerbating a climate of pessimistic expectations that drove down private capital formation and household consumption to unprecedented lows." If one reads _The forgotten Man_, by Amity Shlaes, one can see how the policies of Hoover and FDR hurt the economy and how the Great Depression was directly caused and exacerbated by government policies. As a result of the economic troubles of that time; the government increased its size and influence in the free market, much like the government is doing now.

The report states how the current economic policies will lead to a bleak economic future. "The prognosis is catastrophic if[IF] projected government policies are not cut back. According to the White House's own estimates, the federal budget deficit in 2009 will be $1.6 trillion, approximately 11.2pc of the overall economy, the highest on record since the end of the Second World War. In 2019, the national debt will represent 76.5pc of the US national economy, the highest proportion since just after the Second World War. In such circumstances, the international reserve status of the US dollar will not survive. As it fades, so interest rates on government securities will rise and the real burden of servicing the debt will increase. In such circumstances, the US economy will teeter on the edge of a black hole." This level of debt will have negative effects on the economy. China and Russia have already called for a new reserve currency to replace the dollar. China, a communist country, has expressed concerns, to the point of laughing at our Treasury Secretary, over the value and safety of their investments in U.S. dollars due to the U.S. printing and spending huge sums of money. These two countries are not the only ones calling for the dollar to be replaced.

In response to countries running up huge deficits, the UN is now calling for a new global currency to replace the dollar." The dollar should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since the Second World War." The article states that this call is in response to "the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability." This is an interesting effect of the current global economic situation--a more unified global economy, an increase in the powers of international regulatory bodies, and America's decline of its influence on the world stage. The dollar's days are numbered. A new shift is taking place, I don't have any better words to state this better. Maybe somebody with knowledge of foreign affairs would know more about this.

This all could not be true. The current mild economic crises led to people choosing the current government. If there is some huge economic trouble in the future, how would people react? I like "Doctor Dooms'" take on the current economic situation. "Pessimism porn". Anyways, more of the same.


  1. Thanks Dean. I just bought the rest of the ingredients to begin my first batch of homebrew. I was really looking forward to my day off today and to start brewing. But, I just read your article and now I find myself looking at the overcast sky with my head down and the leaves beginning to fall.

  2. You can always get drunk and forget about reality. Or you can just hide you head in the sand and not be aware of it until it starts to affect you. Make sure to blow yourself up while trying to make your home brew.

    How is this negative? I think most of the negative effects are hyped up to get people angry and to respond to this stuff. It is not going to be the "end of the world", but there will be some negative stuff coming our way IF things don't change. There are many similarities to what happened then and what is happening now. It is interesting and exciting to see the transformation of our country and world before our eyes in science and technology and politics and economics and our society.

  3. I remember you doing this as part of one of your clown shows. You need to do it anyways. Make sure to get your face black and your hair all fried and sticking up straight.

    You can't let people are what is going on get in your way. You have to be aware of what is going on and push on in life and not let anyone hold you back. You have to be smart and aware of the environment you will be operating in.

    I already got slapped down by the helping hand of the government in one of my life's goals. I had a job and was making the money and I had a plan to live happily ever after. Can't do that though. I need to sacrifice so the government can make a more just and equitable society. If I would have know the economy was in as bad shape as it was, I could have adjusted my plans. Like getting a job for a larger company hauling food items, instead of going with a smaller company with more perks and better pay. If I knew what was going on, I would still be doing what I want because I would have had the knowledge to put myself in a better position. My whole point is to be aware of current events and how it will impact the future so one can make better informed choices and put oneself in a better position to deal with what is coming and to prosper in a new type of economy.

  4. Keep it up, Jeff. It forces us all to pay attention to a very important topic. One problem with the Stimulus package is how little it actually directly stimulates. Much of the package is spent on education (ie making sure teachers still draw a paycheck during the downturn), healthcare for laid of people, free money for states that have burned through their budgets, etc. Only a small fraction for actually stimulating entrepeneurship. Here's a Washington Post breakdown: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/graphic/2009/02/01/GR2009020100154.html

    Some of those things may be good things to spend money on, just because it may be the decent thing to do, but it's not Stimulating. It's making sure government unions and the government itself continues to function.

  5. I don't feel like making a topic, but can anyone fill me in on what is going on with Iran and its nuclear program? I did a little reading and it seems to me that Obama is basically stabbing Israel in the back and allowing a crazy country like Iran to get serious WMD's. What is stopping us from fucking them up?

  6. A big thing about this spending is that the money does not exist. It is simply being printed and to be paid by future generations. If that will be possible. I remember all of the crazy stuff this money is being spent on. Like a couple million dollar(I think.) turtle tunnel in Florida so these turtles can cross the road without getting hit. This is simply bankrupting our nation.

  7. I don't know a lot about this. I have heard that nothing can be done to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, even an attack by Israel. One of the fist thing Obama did as President was to give money or something to the Palestinians. He is not a great friend to Israel. I don't know about Iran but it seems like he is appeasing them. He wants to have a dialogue but they seem to be slapping Obama around. Obama was all shakes and smiles when he meet Chavez but Chavez turns around and sells processed oil to the Iranians. Iran does not have the ability to process oil. It only has a lot of crude oil. Well Chavez makes an agreement with Iran to provide them with the processed oil. Now America can't put pressure on Iran by having sanctions and stopping processed oil form coming into their country.

    Obama was nice to Chavez and Chavez stabs Obama in the back. This is what being nice and the new diplomacy does of us. I think Iran will get nuclear weapons. It is just a matter of time.

    I doubt America will do anything militarily to Iran. There are problems in Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama did say that Iran has until September to agree to something.

    Maybe someone else can make a more intelligent statement about this subject.
