Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A View of Cap 'n' Trade from the Coal Industry

This guy is admittedly not a neutral observer, being the CEO of a coal mining company, but as a fellow member of the electric utility industry, I find his statements compelling.

Some killer statements:
He worries that the country is stuck in a "reg-cession," in which over-regulation will hinder the recovery. (See "How Congress Will Steal The Recovery.") He thinks U.S. trade policy is killing American blue-collar jobs, although he sees China as a booming market for Appalachian coal.
On the logic of Emissions control standards in the US:
The CO2 mandates coming out of EPA. That's the scary part. On a micro basis I've seen specific steel plants and coke ovens go down in the U.S. because they couldn't quite make U.S. standards, and then be moved to South America or Asia where there are no standards. And then [to] have people declare victory that they'd cleaned up the world's atmosphere is pretty crazy.
Good stuff, but of course, he is biased.


  1. Now the air is still polluted just the same, but we are benefiting nothing from it. Our enemies are. Great.

  2. We must save the environment from a non existent crises and we all must sacrifice by allowing the private sector to be eliminated.

    This guy is correct. The government is destroying our economy--I think on purpose. Another point that he makes, "On a micro basis I've seen specific steel plants and coke ovens go down in the U.S. because they couldn't quite make U.S. standards, and then be moved to South America or Asia where there are no standards."
    This is the whole purpose of the EM, to spread the wealth around the world and build it up at the expense of America's prosperity. Saving the environment is just a means to get people to support the government's agenda. Maybe in the long run having a more prosperous world, but the free market and capitalism has proven to move countries and peoples out of poverty and create a high standard of living which is necessary for peace. The facts of history state this. When one looks at this, one can see that they want to create a system that they can control.

    What pisses me off is that we already know how to have a booming economy. But the government does not want that because they want to remake America and pursue their own agenda at the expense of economic prosperity. People's jobs and dreams and hopes must be sacrificed for the governments agenda.
