Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Big Brother Is watching you!

Recently in my computer concepts class, my teacher has talked about the rise of cameras being used by our government to do its policing. He said that an average citizen is on camera approx 6,000 times a day. Whether it be a private camera, like at the mall, or a cop camera on the street.

In England there are cameras watching almost every public street.
This article talks more about the cameras that they are making talk. They tell people not to litter. First they install millions of cameras, now they are talking to us. Next, the camera will have two robot legs, tackle us, and zip tie our hands. Don't believe it?

My teacher(he does computer forensics and helps the police, FBI, and CIA) says that anybody with the know how, can access and watch almost any camera that is out there. He could be blowing smoke, but he convinces me.


  1. "Big Brother" has been here for a while and is here to stay. When I am in public or surfing the web, I fully expect and act like I am being watched. While all of the surveillance is harmless and mostly a good thing, this is a necessary tool to implement control over a people if in the wrong hands. Being watched is just a fact of life and will only become more pronounced as time move on. It is almost normal now. People won't even thing anything of it before long. The main thing to be concerned with is who is controlling all of this surveillance.

  2. I almost regret saying some of the things that I have said on this very blog. Sometimes I get a little carried away with my sarcasm. If someone wanted to smear my image, they could have some tools from this blog.

    I don't even want my myspace anymore. I don't even know if there is a way to delete it or remove it. Even if I did, I'll bet people could still find it on some mainframe somewhere.

    I love everybody and want nothing but the best for this world. I love every country, race, culture, and want world peace.

  3. And it's not just the govt keeping its eye on us. In fact, mostly not. I'm filmed all the time at work. And agree to be drug tested.

    Most of it is for good reason. But it's there just the same. Big Brother gets closer all the time. But, at the same time, the little people can communicate and get the facts broadcasted much faster, as we do on this blog, and shine the flashlight on our government, so it goes both ways.

  4. I just feel like its weird that if any computer wiz wanted to, he could follow my every foot steps all day long. But then you say, "Who cares, only a few people could do such a thing and why would they want to follow you anyway?". But I would reply, "Technology has advanced dramatically in the computer world in the las 10-20 years. Everything is becoming more and more user friendly. It wont be long until some computer wiz gets smart and commercializes some type of program that can pirate all these cameras, kind of like stealing their uses and making money off of it. You could follow any body or watch anything and the program would find you the street, place, house, etc, to watch. Watch, it will happen."

  5. It probably will happen. We live in a new world and a lot of interesting stuff is happening in our world. You are probably being watched now. You better copy right your clown shows before someone watches your shows and steals your ideals.
