Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A good opinion article illustrating how the universities are a liberal enclave.

This is from a self described conservative who recently attended a state university to obtain his Ph.D. "A few years ago, the Washington Post discovered that over 72 percent of college professors classify themselves as liberal. The study showed that the most left-leaning departments are in the humanities, 'where at least 80 percent of the faculty say they are liberal and no more than 5 percent call themselves conservative.'" I don't think this is news for any of us, nor what is taught in these universities.

"I spent the summer working on my Ph.D. at a particular state university in the eastern part of our country, where I was exposed to misery and resentment I had only heard in rumors. Everyday was filled with the faults of conservatism and capitalism, while extolling the virtues of social justice and moral relativism. American democracy doesn't truly exist, my colleagues would say, and inequality between races, gender, class, and sexuality is as strong today as ever. America, they believe, is beholden to rich, white men who exploit others for the greed of the nation's privileged elite." While I attend a small community college, I find these same attitudes present in even what could be considered a moderate instructor. I would throw into the above mentioned doctrines taught the fact that Greece stole their culture from Egypt, an African culture, and the fact that white man is responsible for all the evils present in the world. The attacks of 911 was really an inside job by our government. We were shown part of the movie "Zeitgeist", starting at minute twelve. The point about fake religion, starting at min 8, being used to control people is valid, in my opinion. The Bible says bring your first born to the priest, so how can we judge cultures that sacrificed humans to their gods? Although, the Bible does speak out against the worship of molech and the child sacrifice by fire associated with this god Overall, the movie is one par with Michael Moore's movies, there might be some shred of truth but it is off just about one hundred percent. A student in college needs to be aware of the fact that colleges are a liberal institution and the whole system is geared towards undermining western civilization. One needs to keep their mind on guard against the lies and doctrines that are taught.

"It was upon reading Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto (twice!) when I spoke up. And I nearly started a riot.[with cries of whoa nigga] After hearing the professor proclaim that "not everyone has a chance to succeed in this country," my hand could not restrain itself from raising. I argued that everyone possesses different talents, work ethics, social connections, and personal attributes that may lead to different levels or types of success; but opportunity in America is equal for all. That's why I love this country, I said, and why this land has been a shining example for freedom, equality, and prosperity across the globe.
That didn't go over well. The majority of the class, with liberal reflex fully engaged, harped about income levels, racial discrepancies, and gender issues, while I fended for myself. I explained the difference between equal results, which they were actually seeking, and equal opportunity, which we all have been given by our creator and the laws of this country. I received nothing but appalled disgust that I could believe in such antiquated and fantastical notions. I kept quiet the rest of class." It takes a lot of knowledge to speak out against the lies that are being taught, and if one does speak out, be prepared to be made to look like a clown and clowned on. If one has the knowledge of the lies being taught and does not have the courage to speak out against these lies and the crap that is taught in these universities, then one is a worthless being in terms of standing up for what is right.

"This is the sadness that exists in higher learning today. This is the hopelessness that our students are being fed; that we do not control our own destiny, that there is no God or ultimate value system, that certain groups are constantly exploited, that someone else is always to blame. I spent much of my summer frustrated and annoyed over politics." You cant be sure of anything. There are no absolutes. Truth is relative to what one believes. God is not real. You can easily be brainwashed into believing these tenants of the Left. Society does value a piece of paper that states that one graduated from a place of "higher learning" and there are things to be learned if one is forearmed with knowledge.


  1. That's why private schools are better (or at least better in comparison to Public), the source didn't state what the percentage of private professors were but I'm willing to bet it's a little different.

  2. You must not be in an engineering course, so you are in a class where the professor can make up whatever he wants and call it an education. Make sure you get a degree in something that requires results, and then you will see teachers that are there to teach the subject and not personal opinions. And you will also see students that really are looking to better themselves, too.
    But, kudos to you for speaking up in an intimidating situation, Jeff. You shone just a little bit of light into their thoughts. It won't turn anyone, standing by itself, but it's a start that may be built on, as those students being taught nothing useful get mugged by reality. The thing is, you don't need those professors to teach you any of that stuff. No one does. They should be able to turn their bullshit detector on when the liberal professor starts mouthing Marxisms, and glean out the bit of useful information that the teacher does teach. And they should be able to do their investigation of culture, history, religion, etc themselves.

    Unfortunately, the majority of people are intellectually uncurious, and are willing to sit there and be spoonfed what to think.

  3. Thats sad. I'm sorry. Connolly was saying how he spoke up in class against obama and got slammed by his teacher and made an ass out of himself and conservatives. I am gonna speak up in my Writing class. I just need to arm myself. Not with words, but a saw'd off shotgun. : )
    I'll win the debate because I'll be the last one speaking.
    (I'm not being literal. I will do none of these things. They were meant for entertainment purposes only.)

  4. Yeah. Bud-D is absolutely correct. There's no job perspectives in Political Science or Anthropology except in Political Science and Anthropology academia. Academia is their job market and their performance is based on whatever bullshit they get published.

    But to get a good lawyer to come teach law, Engineer, or Economist to get out of their lucrative job fields to teach, that's a different story....

    ....Unless they're an IR professor, then they're generally retired Intel or State Department personnel (my Terrorism Professor was an Ambassador to Columbia, know's a thing or two about insurgencies). Had to do something to seperate my field from Poli Sci :)

  5. I've always looked at it as like it's my job to give the teacher what they want. I'll say what I think, but if the teacher is hinting like they want to see a certain thing, then give them the certain thing.

    Most classes I've had aren't very political though. I think the most political I ever got in a class was when I totally slammed Wuthering Heights (even though I kind of liked it). The teacher was amused and gave me an A though.

    I wouldn't bring an attitude into a classroom. But, of course if someone else brings the attitude, be prepared to defend your values. Really, though I'd think, unless you're going for a Philosophy or Gender or Minority Studies degree, you shouldn't run into this too much. I mean, Melkor's degree has a lot of politics in it, but I bet there's not a lot of the thing Jeff has run into in his classes, because people in that degree program really are paying for an education that will do something for them.

    And English, well, that is important and you have to get the tools down to be taken seriously in the real world. Even if that means writing poems about the different ways you love Obama.

  6. I would agree most people don't care about the truth and they are happy to be spoon fed lies. They are looking for the easy way. I am taking general courses for any degree.

    Math and engineering fields deal with hard unchangeable facts--2+2=4 you can't change that. Humanities and social sciences do not deal with the same hard facts. The sad fact is that most intelligent people have abandoned the social sciences and have left it to the crazies and kooks and collectivists. Another sad fact is that many of the government's policies come from the universities and these liberal professors. What is that saying I am looking for? What is taught in the classrooms becomes the next generations government or leading thoughts that shape societies? What will be shaping society will not be looking good.

    One needs to be respectful in the classroom, it is not your class. But it doesn't mean that you don't question and point out what one believes to be errors.

    I definitely am going to get a degree that I can use out in the real world.

  7. I've sold out all the time. The A is all that matters because the GPA is all that matters.

  8. I'm a sellout too. You make more money when you sell. Frito Lay taught me that.
