Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So This is what a Community Organizer Does!

During the election season, a big deal was made of what a Community Organizer does. This was because this was the only professional experience Barack Obama had prior to becoming a State Senator in Illinois. Both Liberals and Conservatives explained what it entailed, either to build up or knock down candidate Obama. Barack Obama did legal work for and embraced the chief community organizing organization in America, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now or ACORN. On the campaign trail, he courted and encouraged ACORN:

Now, as you've probably all heard, a couple of young folks, Hannah Giles (age 20) & James O'Keefe (age 25), just like Scooby Doo, have shown the world what Obama's favorite organization and profession is all about. Working with Andrew Breitbart's Big Government Media Organization/Blog, they posed as pimp and hooker trying to set up a brothel of underaged, illegal-alien El Salvadorean girls, and went to some number (how many we don't know yet, but an ever-increasing number) of ACORN offices across the nation looking for advice on how to set their business up and keep the IRS from finding out about it. Showing a great dedication to customer service, the ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington DC, Brooklyn, San Bernardino, & San Diego (so far) were more than happy to do everything they could for them. I guess this is the kind of entrepeneurship that Community Organizers find appealing. An NGO in action! Check out the videos. Disgusting, evil, & hilarious at the same time...oh, yeah, and not particularly surprising, the main surprise being how all the ACORN employees could fall for the cleancut young people pulling the sting on them. While watching the videos, keep in mind that this organization is where Obama is coming from, his heart and soul, the type of group he wanted to work for rather than going into a law practice.

The kids, or maybe it was Andrew Breitbart, were cunning in the publication of their sting. They published the Baltimore video, and ACORN's response was to fire the two employees in the video and

A spokesman for ACORN, Scott Levenson, when asked to comment on the videotape, said: "The portrayal is false and defamatory and an attempt at gotcha journalism. This film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed. ACORN wants to see the full video before commenting further."

Yes, they did try at other offices: Next Big Government released the DC video which appeared to not be a failure; ACORN's response was then to fire two more employees and state

The group's leaders said Friday they were "appalled and angry" at what their staffers had done, but insisted the videos were part of a political "smear" campaign and not representative of the institution as a whole.

The kids then showed that, well, it was representative of more than you might think by releasing the Brooklyn video. At this point, though ignored by the entire MSM outside of Fox, the Senate took notice, and voted 83-7 to block federal funding to the organization. The US Census Bureau, who, incredibly, had been preparing to use ACORN in the 2010 census, told them their services were no longer needed. ABC newsanchor Charles Gibson spoke for the entire non-Fox MSM at that time saying on a Chicago radio station,

Gibson: HAHAHAHAHA. HEHEHE. I didn’t even know about it. Um. So, you’ve got me at a loss. I don’t know. Uh. Uh. But my goodness, if it’s got everything including sleaziness in it, we should talk about it this morning.

Roma: This is the American way!

Gibson: Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.

Roma: Well, I think this is a huge issue because there’s so much funding that goes into this organization…

Gibson: I know we’ve done some stories about ACORN before, but this one I don’t know about...

Roma: Jake Tapper did some blogging on it. I know he’s blogged at least once on this scandal.

Gibson: You guys are uh really up on the website.
Not fit for the MSM according to Charles Gibson.

I could go on. Eventually, everyone was forced to pay attention to the sting operation because of the drip, drip, drip release of the videos. And they're not done yet! Many of the blogs on the sidebar will give you more information on MSM, Government, and ACORN's attempts to ignore, obfuscate, or cry racism against the kids showing videos of ACORN's employees. Congress is now launching federal investigations into ACORN's behavior and ACORN has shut down operation.

An ongoing, fascinating story of an organization near and dear to Obama's heart.

And ACORN would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This reflects on who Obama is. It is interesting that Obama has said that these groups would help him shape his agenda.

    It is also interesting how Acorn has spread throughout our government and groups like these have helped make policy and have had some say in the how the stimulus bill money was spent.

    I don't even watch any of the Lame stream media. They obviously have an agenda and are one sided. How can they not report this or the story about Van Jones? A funny take on how the media has not reported this was done by Jon Stewart.

  3. Update: House votes to defund ACORN 345-75.

  4. Does that mean that they won't be getting any money from the stimulus package that is slated to go to community groups?

  5. I don't know if they're freezing money they've already been budgeted or not.

  6. I think community organizations like Acorn are linked to Obama's national security force.
