Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Obama K's On Democracy


When Russian troops invaded Georgian territory in September 2008, the future leader of the free world said

I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Georgia, and urge an immediate end to armed conflict. Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint, and to avoid an escalation to full scale war. Georgia’s territorial integrity must be respected. All sides should enter into direct talks on behalf of stability in Georgia, and the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community should fully support a peaceful resolution to this crisis.”

Darn those pesky Georgians always harassing the poor Russians!

When Iranians took to the streets en masse to protest the fraudulent elections, and paid in blood for it, the leader of the free world said,

"It's not productive, given the history of U.S.-Iranian relations, to be seen as meddling," he told reporters on Tuesday."I do believe that something has happened in Iran where there is a questioning of the kinds of antagonistic postures towards the international community. How that plays out over the next several days and several weeks is something ultimately for the Iranian people to decide."

I guess he meant it was for the Iranian people with the guns to have an honest and earnest discussion with the Iranian people without guns on what the outcome of the elections should be.

STRIKE THREE - Democracy's Out!
When the Honduran Legislature and Supreme Court requested that the military remove the executive leader, who had demanded another term in opposition to the country's constitution, the leader of the free world said,

"President Zelaya was democratically elected, he had not yet completed his term," he said. "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the President of Honduras, the democratically elected president there."

President Zelaya wishes to follow Presidents Castro and Chavez in the Latin American 'President-for-Life' style of rule. Doubtless the leader of the free world wishes to emulate these role models for dicatatorship and adopt this style of rule himself.

The people of Honduras however, feel differently about this:

Click on the picture. The people are requesting that Obama defend their constitution and freedom and to not help the next Chavez. The Honduran people themselves have some deluded idea that the leader of the free world actually cares about their democracy, when it threatens the type of ruler he identifies with. I want to help, but feel pity for these guys.
Obama's words betray a man who doesn't believe in the principles of this country. Who is not confident in standing up for what America values. The words above wouldn't have come out of Reagan, Bush, or Kennedy's mouths. Democracy isn't what someone who knows what's best for others (ie a modern liberal) believes in. He/she believes in a benevolent dictatorship where those that know best tell those that don't what to think, what to do, what to believe. Those that know what's best for others don't want or need to hear what the others actually think themselves.
To be fair here, none of these situations are cut and dried. Obama sharpened his tone to a certain extent towards Russia and Iran when public opinion turned against him. The Honduran Legislature and Supreme Court may have proceeded a little hastily in removing their president. But, at best he is goaded into saying some mealy-mouthed nothings in support of Democracy. These are not the words of the in-your-face fighters for freedom mentioned above, who automatically know who is on the side of freedom and democracy and who is not.
These are the words of a communist-sympathizing community organizer whose sympathies lie outside of American values but who must keep an eye on the polls.


  1. His actions and words speaks reveals who he is. At the core this man is a communist. I think he does believe in a dictatorship, but I don't know if he is naive enough to believe in a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing. This is a perfect illustration of what this man values. How can he come out in support of a dictator who tried to void the Honduran constitution and completely disregarded the rule of law if he values American values or Freedom? He can't. If Obama could get away with it, he would do the exact same thing here.

    Lou Prithcett, a legendary person in cooperate America, wrote a letter to President Obama stating why Obama scared him. Some interesting points: "You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American. You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail. You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing. Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years. This describes Obama.

    Too bad to many Americans don't see Obama for who he is. Too many people are in love and emotionally attached to the man and are eager to proclaim their admiration for the man by putting bumper stickers on their cars and wearing Obama T-Shirts. Maybe when things start affecting them they will wake up.

  2. FYI, I'll be on vacation for the next 10 days and won't be able to post or comment. Carry on guys!

  3. Hey, I randomly found your blog and I'm glad I did. Very interesting! I'm a conservative blogger in Chicago ( Keep up the good work.

  4. Cool. Someone from the outside world is checking out our blog.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Welcome Robert! As ToeJamm says, it's good to see someone from the outside world. I recommend RTP viewers check out his blog. He seems to be coming from the same direction as our Jeff is.
