Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Racist President

Another subject deserving a post: Everyone's read about the dustup between the Cambridge, MA cop and the Professor of African American Studies at Harvard. And also the off the cuff response of our president. Here is a pretty good summary of events.
You all know how Professor Gates, you know, the elite super-genius professor at elite Harvard University, who is doubtlessly way way way more intelligent than you or I, spouted off to the cop who was investigating reports of a break-in at the house. In fact, Gates had been breaking in because his lock was broken from a previous break-in. I can see how someone's natural reaction would be to get pissed off by a cop asking for your ID in your own home, but the supergenius should have known to just cooperate and get it over with, and then sue the cops later if necessary. Instead, he showed who the racist was by being a great big one himself. Calling the cop a racist for doing his job, making jokes about the cops mother, etc. In either a fit of stupidity, or in a desperate ploy by this elitist to 'be real' he kept mouthing off until the cops were forced to haul him off. Note the black cop in the forground. He completely backed up Sgt Crowley's actions, as did another black cop on the scene. So, we see that Professor Gates is a racist Race Hustler, just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Jeremiah Wright. No real big surprise there. No real big surprise that an elitist would act like an idiot in a real world situation either.

The real surprise is the response of our scary smart, post racial president,

"Skip Gates is a friend, so I may be a little biased here. I don't know all the facts. ...Now, I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly."

So our post-racial president's first reaction is to think that race played a role in what happened. He then went and accused the Cambridge police of acting stupidly, even though he admitted he didn't know the facts. Two humungous WOWs there. His natural inclination is to think racism. And is stupid enough to say so publicly, and blame the cops. Our president. Beyond disgusting, but not terribly surprising, seeing that...the racist Race Mongering professor is his friend. Wow, whoda thunk? Professor Gates, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers. Nice group of friends and mentors you got there. Good to know their own professed beliefs had no affect on you, that you are above all that. Behold our Racist-in-Chief:

By the way, the black cops who backed up Sgt Crowley are probably the real heroes in this incident. And I hope Crowley demanded apologies from Obama and Gates while they had their beers together today.

1 comment:

  1. I would be pissed if I got arrested for breaking into my own home. I think Gates' rage caused his real beliefs and nature to come out. President Obama obviously has racist beliefs. He sat in a racist church for twenty some years and he has racist friends. I don't know why Obama got involved in this dispute. It is a local issue. In his world view, evil white men have done some bad things to blacks and the whole world, and he is here to make things right by giving the wealth back to its rightful owners--the lowest common denominator among us.

    After asking my American Gov instructor a question about Obama, I got a speech along with some comments from students about how he is historic because of his race and how it gives hope to a lot of people. From this, I conclude that people are just blinded and awe struck about his race. This prevents them from seeing who he really is. Until something big or the economy not getting any better, people won't see him for who he is.
