Friday, July 10, 2009

Cap and Trade legislation and a "global governement and a global goverance"

I read an interesting article about cap and trade that pointed out one of the ways the global warming scam is being used for other purposes than affecting the climate. Al Gore said about cap and trade, "But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change, and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global government and global agreements,".

French President states about climate change: "At the Climate Depot website, writers recalled that French President Jacques Chirac in 2000 confirmed that the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol – to which the U.S. has not subscribed – is 'the first component of an authentic global governance.'

"He said, 'For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance. From the very earliest age, we should make environmental awareness a major theme of education and a major theme of political debate, until respect for the environment comes to be as fundamental as safeguarding our rights and freedoms. By acting together, by building this unprecedented instrument, the first component of an authentic global governance, we are working for dialogue and peace."

"A genuine instrument of global governance." Man-made climate change is not real. There is plenty of scientific evidence to support this fact of reality, but most people don't know this. This allows the people in government to use climate change to further their own purposes. What does implementing the means to combat this lead to? Climate change is being used as a rallying point and a means to unite the world to achieve the globalist agenda of the politicians(listen to the part where Obama starts speaking). This is an important effect of combating climate change and one of the goals that it is being used for--a global government and a global governance. The climate change crises is a means to achieve the goal of the politicians. This was interesting to me because it points out one of the main goals of the fake climate change crises and points out the general direction the world is heading. In my mind, this is worth noting. Why do they have to try and hide what their real intentions are by using a manufactured crises to achieve their goal? Maybe they know what they want to achieve is not popular and needs to be brought about through a means that can garner the support of people.


  1. Its interesting that you say they have to hide their intentions. I think their intentions are plainly and openly spoken. It doesn't take much research to find their motives and intentions given in public speeches. You cited two speeches in your post that contained obvious government control and citizen sacrifice. Its how they say these things. Even to a conservative, a lot of the things these people say don't sound too bad. But it is the theme of sacrifice and slavery that is unmistakable. It is disgusting and I am naucious from seeing and hearing it. Too many nasty liberals.

  2. I agree with ToeJamm that what is being done is there for anyone who's interested to see. It's not being explicitly hidden. It's just not being pushed agressively. We're at a point where at least 52% of the country think that global government is just not that bad of a thing in theory. And since the government and media now march in lock-step to these same values, they all agree this is a good thing. We're losing our country. If enough people cared, this bullshit could be easily overturned, but possibly a majority think this is actually a good thing, and many others just don't care. It is our time in the wilderness now, unless, as this blog attempts to do, we can educate, whine, and make a big enough stink about it that more people notice and think.

  3. Fighting global warming is helping to bring about some one world government of the sort. Global warming is being used to transfer wealth from the west to the poor countries of the world. Global warming is being used to increase the size and power of government.

    The government and the people pushing this do not openly declare their intentions, thus the need for the manufactured crises called global warming to bring this about. If they were not trying to hide their intentions, they would just declare that they want a one world government and control and power without using the global warming excuse or ,in most cases, the excuse of trying to help people and provide for them.

    I agree that the goals are sometimes openly declared and they say this in an indirect way, but they try to bring it about through means with stated intentions that are different from the actual goals. The end result is power and control. The stated goals is peace and helping people out and saving us from global warming. If they were open about their goals, people would be aware of them and most likely not support it.

    I think most people are unaware of the general direction America and the world is going. John T Flynn states: "Human societies come under the influence of great tides of thought and appetite that run unseen deeply below the surface of society. After a while these powerful streams of opinion and desire move the whole social mass along with them without the individuals in the mass being aware of the direction in which they are going. Up to a certain point it is possible to resist these controlling tides and to reverse them, but a time comes when they are so strong that society loses its power of decision over the direction in which it is going."

  4. ..."but a time comes when they are so strong that society loses its power of decision over the direction in which it is going."
    Hopefully, people wake up before we get to that point.

  5. "It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master." Ayn Rand.

    Listen to speeches of the President and other politicians and people in positions of power to note this theme of sacrifice.
