Thursday, July 30, 2009

Health Care Debate

RTP has been pretty quiet about the health care debate. It's a complicated subject requiring lots of research to really comment intelligently. There are many blogs out there doing a great job of it. I am not motivated to do an in-depth report on it, but my feelings are summed up like this
(and no, I'm not going to provide link-backup to what I say!):

85% of the US has health care that is adequate if not good, and much better than most countries in the world, including those like the UK and Canada that have universal healthcare. A large percentage of the remaining people are illegal aliens, who are owed absolutely nothing by taxpaying Americans. Another large percentage of the remaining are young adults who choose not to have healthcare. Melkor is an example. They don't have a permanent job at this time, and are having fun, going to school, adventuring, whatever. He could have a job right now, but chooses not to, and that's fine. But, nobody should owe him healthcare because of his own decision. That leaves a small percentage of America without healthcare who do want it. This is unfortunate, but it is not right to supress the economy by increasing taxes and bloating government beauracracy, and lower the quality of healthcare for the vast majority of Americans for a small minority of people. And, though this is somewhat crass and cruel, those without healthcare can go to an emergency room if it comes to that and they won't be turned away.

My opinion. That's all.


  1. It is complex but there is a simple purpose behind it--POWER and CONTROL. Once you clear past all of the stated intentions and the smoke and mirrors, you can see the ugly and naked truth. Don't look at the stated purposes, just ask what this will lead to. I know it is hard to believe and sounds stupid and simple, but it is the truth. I don't care to try and state it in some nice round about way with all of the facts, they speak for themselves. Just tell the sheepeople it is about health care and they will believe it. It is a good thing it is loosing support.

    Health care is one sixth of the American economy, I think. If the government takes it over,they will be taking over one sixth of the economy. Look at countries where they have government run health care and look at the result--rationed care and long waiting lines etc. The government will be determining who gets care. Everything we do will be regulated since it has an impact on our health.

  2. I agree with both of you. What else can I say?
