Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dr. Kaku on the changes occuring in the human civilization.

(Since this blog has been slow, I will post a couple of things from my daily journal. I know this is a little out there for some. Health care reform is obiviously about increasing the government's power.) I was watching some youtube videos about the string theory and I came across an interesting video by Dr. Michio Kaku, the physicists who comes on the history channel and talks about science.The video talks about the various types of civilizations according to their level of scientific advancement, and he relates this to the changes occurring in human civilation and the forces driving these changes--globalization, multiculturalism etc.--from of a viewpoint outside of politics. It talks about the various types of civilizations as classified according to their level of scientific advancement. Basically, he states that this is the most important generation that has lived in the history of human civilization due to the fact that it is in a period of transition to a new type of civilization as classified according to scientist, and the choices that are made by this generation will determine if the human civilization is to live--the human civilization is at a pivotal point in history; although, I don't think it will determine if the human race will survive.

Overall, the video states from a science point of view the changes occurring in the human civilization and the fact that the human civilization is at a pivotal point in its history. I don't think anyone would disagree with the this fact; although, they might disagree with the medium through which this statement is made. Anyways, an interesting video for those interested in sciences. Does anybody know an interesting book that states and describes these changes from a political or foreign policy point of view?

1 comment:

  1. I'll check this out shortly. The main reason for my lack of posting right now is I'm working on a weighty tome for the 2nd installment of "The Beatles, Totalitarianism, and The Great Depression". It hurts my brain.
