Does it strike you as wise for a Supreme Court Justice Nominee to keep making the same racist statement over & over & over again? I'm thinking a person who can't quit talking about how wise they are probably is really not that wise. In my experience, people who brag about their brains really aren't that smart. I'm thinking a person who gives the same speech over and over and over again doesn't have a lot to say. I'm thinking that Sotomayor was chosen purely because of her gender and ethnicity and racial-identity-politics, much as our president was chosen.
Kind of calls bullshit on our wise mulatto bullshitter-in-chief's statement that "I'm sure she would have restated it”. Are you totally full of shit Mr President, or do "words mean something"? If they do mean something, then what the hell do you mean?
I love some of the labels that show up on articles based on our hyperlinks.
ReplyDelete"Words Mean Something"
Truth in advertising: The writer of the post chooses the labels himself. At the bottom of the post when you write it there's an area to fill in labels. When you put eg 'Obama' in the label, then you can pull up all our posts that have 'Obama' in the label. I think I'm going to go back and make that link and add the label "words mean something" to previous posts 'cause it pissed me off so much when he first said it and he's proven so often that words don't mean a damn thing to him since.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt she was picked because of her race and gender. These qualities are more important than who someone is in the liberals' eyes. That is how the liberals see the people, not as individuals but as members of a group.
ReplyDeleteI think she was also picked because she will decide cases based on empathy and not the law. This destroys the law and degrades that separation of powers in the government. She also feels that people are disadvantaged by the American system. A reflection of President's Obama worldview.