Sunday, June 21, 2009


The vacation was great. Three days at Lincoln City and two days at Whidby Island. Its good to be back though.

Tomorrow I go back to work. The two week build up to fourth of July will not be fun. It is literally our biggest sales holiday of the year. The next two weeks will be hell. Good pay checks but the pay checks still wont amount to the work. I am very excited to quit my job. I will still work part time at a VA hospital but I'm sure working for the government on a work study job will be cake.

Lets hope Sean can check the blog often in Madagascar. Maybe he can put up posts that have pictures and we can discuss his pictures. Maybe we can have a new segment on RTP called: "What in the Hell are they doing over there?" Where Melkor posts a picture that is funny and weird and the others try to guess the what the hell they are looking at. I don't know, but I'm back and ready to blog away.


  1. We had a great time with you and the others at Whidbey. Thanks very much for all your help. Mom is still and a good bit of pain and somewhat groggy, but mostly back to herself.

    Time to get back bloggin', well, tomorrow. RTP has been remarkably quiet for the revolt in Iran. Time to post! tomorrow.

  2. The most recent article on Ace of Spades is hilarious. Its called Obama Math(I think). I recommend RTP fans check it out.

  3. I didn't see the article.

  4. Ace of Spades should be a daily check for all RTP readers!

    If I could only see one site per day it would be Ace of Spades.

    Very informative and usually pretty funny.
