Monday, June 1, 2009

" America's descent into marxism" from Pravda.

This article sums up the situation in American: "It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people." The election of President Obama was the final amount of the rising flood waters that that lead to the dam breaking. The article is from the old Soviet run state media. (These guys are familiar with communism so their word carries some weight) I got the article off of, bottom of page, and

The article points out two means that the communist used to bring about a communist America: The education system being used as a means to dumb down the masses and the churches being taken over to aid in the take over of the nation by the communist. Another good point is showing that there is a need to slowly prepare the American people to accept communism-- they can't just have a revolution take place all at once. This process has been going on since around 1910. It also notes the situation in the Auto industry and shows how it illustrates America's decent into Marxism.

The point about the education system in America being based on POP culture and designed to dumb down the masses is interesting:
"First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics." If you want to learn more about the system read Ayn Rand's 'The Comprachicos'. (The system destroys your ability to think. You have no way of knowing the damage done. Like a kid that was stolen as a little baby and had his body deformed by a master. He doesn't know that his disfigured body is not normal. He does not know that anybody did it to him so he clings to the masters who disfigured him and who set themselves up as a savior and provider.)

Faith in God and morality being a necessary thing for a free nation, the Communist sought to:
"Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different 'branches and denominations' were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the 'winning' side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another."

General Motors and Chrysler are now being run by President Obama. He says he does not intended to run the companies immediately after he states how the companies will be run. Amazing that people can listen to such an obvious contradiction with out any questions are not realizing the contradiction. The state of the average Americans mind is leading to the destruction of the nation, brought about through the the education system.

Another good thing the article points out is that the communist learned a lesson from the bloody Soviet revolution: you need to prepare--through the education, religious, economic, political, culture systems-- the populace to slowly accept communist rule. In the end: "
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker." Not if we have any say in the matter! Eventually this tide will be beaten back. The American people need to be educated about what is happening in America.

Along with the book 'The Road Ahead ;America's Creeping revolution' this article illustrates the methods and means that the communist are using to take America over.


  1. I like your post.

    Thinking of Atlas Shrugged and how all the "good guys" try to reason with the "bad guys", I always wondered why the "bad guys" didn't understand the logic. They were so obviously on the wrong side. Nowadays its the same thing. I try to reason with some liberal and its like they can't grasp logic. Our people are very much dumbed down. Sigh...

  2. Dean, you need to move to Oregon so we can begin the revolution. Forget Georgia

  3. Well, we'd actually have to fight in Oregon, or at least the People's Republic of Portland. Georgia I think is on the right side of the fight already I think. I'll have to read the Pravda article. Someone in Russia is really having some fun I think.

    This article reminds me of a post I need to do. Reason for hope. Jeff's article here is part of the reason. And it has to do with the success of totalitarian regimes and The Beatles.

    OT: Hey Dusty, as a citizen of Portland, you can sign the referendum to overthrow joke of a mayor you have. The referendum will start gathering signatures on July 1 I think.

  4. I don't think the Pravda article actually says anything and sounds more like a poorly translated Russian regurgitation of anti-consumerist criticisms of US society. It's true purpose is to say, "the US has problems that make their criticisms of Russia contradictory."

    I don't know exactly what you purpose is the exact problem with US education being too Pop focused? Is this systemic across the country? If so how? Is this only in certain areas? If so where? The problem with trying to tackle education as an overall issue is based upon the fact of how diverse our system is. Because there actually is no "National Education Program" its hard for one to argue for an overall reform of the system without undermining the values which conservatives find to be so important: federalism. Is education a public good that would be better served by a consistent national policy? Or do we allow New Orleans and the Bronx to allow their kids to use phonics?

  5. People who have lived under communism are stating that with the election of Obama that America is becoming more like a communist nation. That is the point I got from the article and it illustrates an important fact of what is happening in America today. I do believe America is heading down the road to a centrally planned government. Look at the government taking 60% ownership stake in the auto industry, the Canadian government 12% dictating how the companies will be run. The banking industry is also being controlled by the government. These are just a couple of examples. Whether you think this is good are that it is necessary, the fact is that the American government is becoming more like a communist/socialist/fascist government. Do you disagree with my whole premise and point or do you think it is incorrect or overstated?

    On the point of it being anti-consumerist criticism of the US society, why would they be criticizing us for being more like the old Soviet Union/communist, they are still a communist nation, to prove that American- consumerism is a bad thing? Would that not illustrate that they are also bad? They probably are happy to see this and are using it as a point to show how America is dieing. Something they might want to see. But I do believe their point is true and valid whether they have our best interest at heart are not.

    I don't think you can disagree that the US education system is in need of improvement. That was my whole point about the education system. The article was pointing out that the American people know more about pop culture, American idol etc., than they do about the government and what is happening in the government that directly affects their lives. This is brought about in part through the education system stupefying the people which make them more concerned with pop culture than with the more important things of life. Look at the current President. He is a pop star/American Idol that the people blindly follow. The education system set people up to follow one man based off of their feelings instead of their mind. They blindly followed a man who shouted slogans without thinking about what the slogans meant. What kind of change? This point helps to illustrate the damaging effects of the eduction system

    Are you trying to state that there is no problem with the education system? I am no education expert, but I think the system needs to be reformed because of the fact that American students are being out performed by other developed nations and the high level of dropouts and the state of the average Americans mind. I think the overall system is designed to create a non thinking, docile compliant, and loyal worker bee with a herd mentality for the government. I don't think most teachers are most people in the system know this. The modern education system is based off of the philosophy of a select few, John Dewey etc., who designed the system to destroy the mind of the people so that they can be controlled. This is one example of how a select few can control a society and determine the direction a nation will go with philosophy, relativism, determinism, reality is unknowable, and there are no absolutes and A is not A etc.I am basing this off of Ayn Rand's article.( It is worth a read.) Jay Leno's man on the street questions is one illustration of the level of the average Americans' lack of knowledge on important issues. The fact that the vast majority of Americans don't know basic facts about the US government; for example, what the three branches of government are etc. I don't believe the level of the problem is the same throughout the whole system. I might be overstating the problem with the education system, but there is definitely a problem.

    I don't think there should be a national policy. I think the power should be in the local governments and the parents of the students. Teacher unions are a big part of the problem. They reward incompetence and get in the way of what is good for students; one example, the recent D.C. voucher program debate.

  6. There is no official national education policy but the underlying philosophy and the core of it is the same throughout the whole system. John Dewey and the progressive education system.
