Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thomas Sowell on then candiate Obama.

(I might have posted this video before.)
An interesting and informative video. Here are some of the points that Thomas Sowell, a former black Marxist, made that were interesting. He states that President Obama's foreign policy is "straight out of the 30s" that was responsible for leading to WW2. Obama is dangerous due to his naivety in regards to foreign policy. If Iran gets nuclear weapons then the next generation will be living under a nuclear threat; and if this happens, it will be the point of no return--"there is such a thing as a point of no return". Obama is a far left ideologue that is distinguished from a corrupt politician that goes with the tide of public opinion such a President Clinton. This video is a good assessment of Obama that makes some good points.


  1. Thomas Sowell is a great conservative writer, regardless of skin color, but the fact that he is black means he is completely ignored by the Mainstream Media. Wouldn't fit the plan to have him become famous. Just like Justice Clarence Thomas. Condoleeza Rice. Colin Powell. Great role models for blacks are ignored by MSM and blacks themselves. Sad and disgusting.

    Sowell does get editorials in the Wall Street Journal from time to time, so he is not completely unknown, but you won't see him on ABC or NPR or CBS news, etc.

    I'll read the article in a bit.

  2. I read his basic economic book and I liked it. I think he makes a lot of interesting points and he is an original thinker. The video is seven minutes.
