Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This is just another example of socialism hitting home in a bad way.
Recently Frito Lay held a meeting with the salesmen(like myself). We are a non union company and de-certified the union a little over a year ago and over all I feel like the employees are treated well. The meeting was about this new bill called the Employee Free Choice Act. Basically it makes it easier for unions to slime their way in to a company. There used to be no limit of time for unions and employers to negotiate contracts. The new bill will limit the negotiations to five days. If they havent come to an agreement than an arbitrator from the courts will decide our pay. There are a lot of other things this bill does but they are all disgusting. Our management was slamming the new bill and encouraging us not to sign any cards. Its sad that an employer as large as Frito fears its own government. They employ so many americans and do so much for our nation.


  1. The company is use to work for gave us a class about this also. Soon after I was laid off. The company leadership was very conservative. I got laid off due to the company fearing the government and the uncertainty that government intervention in the economy causes. When my boss gave me the word, he said he has never seen anything like this and nobody knows how things are going to play out. Basically the bill takes away the individual's right to a private ballot casting. Now an employ can vote in private on whether he wants a union to represent him before his employer. It will lead to union thugs using the opinion of your co workers against you.

    I saw a story on Fox News about these unions thugs coming to a worker's home trying to get them to sign the piece of paper.

    A good overview of unions and their impact on business was done by the Heritage Foundation. Check out on today's news for some highlights on this study. Basically unions destroy businesses and encourage waste and less efficient way of doing things. This leads to job looses.

    FedEx said if this bill passes then they will cancel their order of 30 747, I think, cargo jets.

    The government is using unions to take over businesses. Look at the Auto industry and how the Labor/socialist party took over Britain--through the unions. Just another instrument and means to increase the power and size of government.

    Don't invest or get involved in any union company. And don't sign anything somebody gives you no matter how benign it sounds or looks without giving the paper a good looking over. They will try and trick you into getting your signature.

  2. That is exactly what my boss was saying to me.

  3. Absolutely un-American, and how even liberal Democrats could vote for this is beyond me, except for the reason it is happening: Democrats will throw away any of their own principles to lock in power. They need to please their constutuents/power bases, the unions being one of the strongest. So, screw freedom and liberty, it helps win elections.

    Again, how this can happen in America is as mystifying as how someone like Obama can be elected president.

  4. The government helped and promoted the dumbing down of its people so that they could use the people's ignorance to amass power for themselves. I am daily amazed at the people I come in contact with. Nice and good people for the most part, just without a care in the world or knowledge of what is going on.
