Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stop Apologizing, Mr President!

The UK's Telegraph has a great opinion article on Obama's continuing series of World Apology Tours (WAT). It's great to hear someone in the MSM slam the Empty One like he deserves. It doesn't happen very often. Nice, but probably not the true sentiment of most Eurowusses. The Telegraph is not called 'The Tory-graph' for nothing. It would be nice if we had a national conservative paper here like it.

Obama's WATs are proof that his wife spake truth when she said "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country". I'm sure she spoke for her husband as well. We clearly elected a president who despises his country and wants to work to make it better, ie, not proud of itself and humble to the pissant crackpot dictatorships that make up most of the world (Castro, Chavez, Ahmedinajad), and of course, the scornful, condescending Europeans.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Apologizing for the horrible crimes America has committed and for just being a horrible nation will make people like us and solve our problems.

    I do think he believes America has been a bad country and unjust and wrong. The very nature of America is a crime. This is why the world hates America--blaming other people for being evil on America. So he needs to change and apologized for America.

    Thomas Sowell's thoughts about President Obama's foreign policy are interesting. He states that Obama's foreign policy is no different from the appeasement that led to WW 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt_q4FA9kUQ

  3. Just thought this would be a further sign of what the Telegraph has done for the cause:


    Basically, the destruction of the Labor Gov't brought about by the Telegraph's investigative reporting.

  4. Isn't the UK broke? It is a little late but at least the labor party could possibly be unseated, but not after they bankrupted the country. Hopefully they will be replaced by some real conservatives.
    There are where they are in part due to not restraining their passions.

  5. If Britain goes Tory, then that will pretty much complete a Conservative sweep of Europe. I guess Spain may be an exception. Just as America goes Socialist. Interesting. Someone should do an article on that.

    In a sense, you could include Russia in that sweep.
