Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cap and Trade and the economic impact.

The large Climate bill called the Waxman-Markey climate bill and Cap and Trade will probably pass the house soon. This bill is aimed at solving a manufactured crises. (Read my post about environmentalism.) It will have a great impact on the economy after 2020 when most of this bill takes effect. Since most of the effects of this bill will take place after 2020, it will be a ticking time bomb that coupled with the fact that most of the effects of the huge deficits the government is running up will be take place around this same time, these two things could completely wreck the economy. This bill will have very little impact on the environment, but it will have a great impact on the economy.

Energy is essential to every form of economic activity. Without fossil fuels our way of life would stop and we would go back to the stone age. If government can control energy and how it is used, the government will basically be controlling all economic activity and have a leash around the neck of every American business and every American.

This bill will Charge companies money for each ton of carbon emission a company emit. Basically, the bill is a huge tax increase that will increase the power and size of government; and at the same time, it will kill jobs and economic prosperity. This bill, according to The Heritage Foundation, will cost the average American family 3000 dollars a year. (These links from Heritage are short and have a lot of facts about this bill.) The government's estimates are much lower; but as the this article points out, is inaccurate. "Even as Democrats have promised that this cap-and-trade legislation won't pinch wallets, behind the scenes they've acknowledged the energy price tsunami that is coming."

According to the WSJ: "Americans should know that those Members who vote for this climate bill are voting for what is likely to be the biggest tax in American history. Even Democrats can't repeal that reality." The government is increasing its size and power under the smoke screen of saving the environment and taking care of us. While the impact of this bill and the huge deficits won't be felt for at least a decade, it is worth keeping up on and it is worth being aware of the potential economic impact that is coming. With Cap and Trade and the government taking over the Auto, health care, and banking industry; the government is rapidly gaining control of every apparatus necessary to control America and every single part of our lives. When people wake up and wonder where their freedoms went, if they ever do, they will be looking back at this time in history as the main point of decline. This is a pivotal point in American history: the foundation for a big government is being laid, and the system of control necessary for it is being setup. Hopefully, this bill won't pass and people will wake up.


  1. Fox reports that Senator Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) is going to raise a big stink over this before it gets through the Senate:

    The report below lays out all the flaws in the EPA's recommendations (which are based on 4-year old UNITED NATIONS studies!!!).

    Read the Report that questions the EPA's studies. Very important reading:

  2. Who cares about this when Michael Jackson died? From work and school, I am amazed how people are concerned with his death as opposed to their freedom's being destroyed. Nobody has a clue to what is going on in the government.

    It would be nice to assume that this bill won't pass the senate, but you can't rule it out. I emailed my conservative senator. I encourage people to go to project vote to find and email your senator. This is a one of the most profound piece of legislation that will likely occur during our lifetimes that will lead to massive government control of every part of our economy and lives.

    Amazing that as Germany is moving away from their carbon control scheme, we are moving towards our own version.

    The study shows that global warming is not occurring. In the name of saving us, this is a fake crisis being used to increase the power of government. The climate of Earth is always in a state of change and has been long before man started burning fossil fuels or even came along. Who is to say that the climate needs to stay the way that it has been these last 200 some years as compared to the millions of years the Earth has been around?

    We are a carbon based life form. This bill will regulate and control the very essence of our being!! This bill is setting up apparatus necessary for a centrally planned economy. People get emotionally involved believing they can save the planet by their actions. They have no other way to have any self worth. The forces of nature are way beyond our insignificant ability to change the climate. One volcanic eruption can put out more pollution than man has in his entire existence. Environmentalist are naive and being used as a tool of the government.

    Most of the effects of this bill won't occur until a decade or more. A slow and gradual destruction of our economy. Once people catch on, it could be too late to reverse the damage. Just like everything else the government is doing.

    From my moderate liberal instructor in my American government class, I have learned that the government has always tried to amass control for itself. The founders knew this. That is why the founders built in check and balances to control the human desire to gain power. Unfortunately, we don't have an educated voter base to keep the government's desire in check.

    What is happening now will determine if America will remain a free country in the next 10-20 years. A pivotal point in our history.

  3. Interesting. What a stupid bill. We need congress back or things can only get worse. I feel a conservative swing among my fellow americans. I can feel it in the way people talk about what is happening. When Obama was running people were optimistic about him. I think attitudes are changing. I hope atleast.

  4. I noticed some people that have changed their minds regarding things, but most people remain in love with President Obama and government and pop culture. Most people are not going to get a care in the world until all of this stuff starts affecting their lives directly.

    This bill is not stupid. It serves its intended purpose very well and is disguised well.

    Want to sell your home? Well, under this bill before you can sell you home it will have to be inspected by the EPA to see if it meets environmental standards. If it doesn't, better get ready to pay the money necessary to upgrade your home.

  5. You better get ready to pay for SHUT UP! : )

  6. Damn this blog is getting slow.

    Anonymous Bud-D

  7. How much does it cost?

    We got Obama speaking in favor of the Honduran President that just side stepped the rule of law.
