Saturday, January 9, 2010

Watch This Election

Teddy Kennedy died in August, '09.  This was as the national debate over the Democrats' National Health Care Plan kicked into high gear and Republican resolve against it began to harden.  Democrats realized they were going to need every single vote they had to push the thing forward, and Obama as well as Teddy Kennedy himself shortly before he died, pressured Mass Gov. Deval Patrick to bend Massachusetts' own rules and fill the spot with an interim senator until elections could be held.   A Democrat named Paul Kirk was appointed.  He is not important as he is ineligible to run as the successor.  He was only there to rubber stamp anything Dems wanted him to rubber stamp until the election for Kennedy's replacement could be completed.

Since then, the only mystery has been which Democrat would be nominated to succeed Kennedy.  After all, this heavily blue state voted for Obama 62%-36%.  Massachusetts hasn't had a Republican senator since 1979.  The Special Election being held this month to fill Ted Kennedy's seat ought to be a gimme for Democrats; and that's been the thinking for most of this six month campaign season.  But, with the great rise in anger over Democrats' determined efforts to push America farther into Socialism, the standard thinking may be about to be turned on its head: Republican State Senator Scott Brown has been under the radar most of the campaign season, as Republicans always are in Massachusetts, but, in the first poll for this race, Rasmussen showed him trailing the Democrat Martha Coakley by only 9%.  Sounds like a lot, but not for a Republican in Massachusetts.  Since that poll, it appears that the race has been tightening.  Check out Ace for an analysis.

OK, I'm getting repetitive with my superlatives, but the implications of a Brown victory on Jan 19th (I think) would be huge: A Republican taking 'The Liberal Lion's' place in deepest blue Massachusetts, who would be the 41st filibustering vote on any new version of the Health bill sent to the Senate, enabling the blockage of the bill Harry Reid named "the Kennedy Health Bill", would confirm that a tidal shift to the Right far bigger than the shift to the Left that occurred in '08 is about to happen, or actually is in-process. 

Conversely, even a close Brown loss (by less than 10%) would show that the electorate is turning, but just not as extremely fast as a victory would indicate.

Pray for Change RTPrs!


  1. From what I have been hearing in the news, it seems like people are getting tired of the Democrats and are not happy with what they are trying to do. President Obama's approval numbers were the lowest of any President at that particular point in the Presidency. Sarah Palin's and Mark Levin's conservative books were best sellers, news that received no attention. Several Democrats are stepping down. Polling data shows that most people identify themselves as conservative.
    Most people don't believe in global warming now. Due to the fact that things are getting colder, like here in the south.

    I read this article a while back, "2009-2010 will rank with 1913-14, 1933-36, 1964-65 and 1981-82 as years that will permanently change our government, politics and lives. Just as the stars were aligned for Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson and Reagan, they are aligned for Obama. Simply put, we enter his administration as free-enterprise, market-dominated, laissez-faire America. We will shortly become like Germany, France, the United Kingdom, or Sweden — a socialist democracy in which the government dominates the economy, determines private-sector priorities and offers a vastly expanded range of services to many more people at much higher taxes.[...]So Obama’s name will be mud by 2012 and probably by 2010 as well. And the Republican Party will make big gains and regain much of its lost power. But it will be too late to reverse the socialism of much of the economy, the demographic change in the electorate, the rationing of healthcare by the government, the surge of unionization and the crippling of talk radio."

    Hopefully Obama won't be able to achieve everything he wants to and the Democrats can be put out of power before they are able to make irreversible changes to America. As of right now, it looks like the Left is going to lose or at least is going to have to curtail a lot of what they want to do to avoid being voted out of office.

  2. Well, this Mass thing might be exactly what we need to stop a permanent change from happening. I really hope Brown wins.

  3. I got connolly to step up his recruiting campaign at ground zero. He told me that someone at his check out line at Home Depot was bitching about the raising taxes in Mass. Connolly said, "Vote for Scott Brown." The next person in line gave a "hell yeah".

    Connolly said that Coakley has a much larger campaign budget. He says that Worcester is tattooed with a ton of Coakley signs while Brown is virtually non existent. This lady must have a lot of monetary back up.

  4. Awesome!!! We, you, Connolly have now made a difference!

  5. Gina found a flyer in her break room comparing and contrasting Brown and Coakley and brought it home to me. I have made copies and Im leaving them everywhere I can think of. Coakley is your typical government leach, who wants healthcare for the world, terrorists to have rights under our Constitution, doesn't want Americans to have the right to bear arms, and wants illegal imigrants to have education benefits and more. Brown is the complete opposite, I don't disagree with much that he stands for. He has been upfront with his stance againist universal healthcare, big spending and big government. He destroyed her in a debate on Monday, she seriously said that there aren't terroists in Afghanistan and that we should be making a plan for withdrawing troops. Brown clowned on her. He has good buzz going on around here, and if he is unable to pull this off, I don't think anyone ever will. I will be extremely disappointed. People are already talking about abesentey ballots that will be falsified and used by the democrats on election day if Coakley is behind. This state is very corrupt, and I wouldn't put that past them. I heard the democrats are very concerned about this election and are pouring in 500 thousand dollars to make a last minute push againist Brown.

  6. Great job you & Gina! Man, this is exciting!

    And congratulations on your marriage!

    I talked it over briefly with ToeJamm, and we decided we'd like to add you to our list of contributors. So, if you're interested, go for it! You'll see that your comments aren't moderated anymore.

  7. Actually, I guess you need to respond to my invitation which I just sent you. If you want.

  8. This is big. Hopefully Massachusetts can pull through for America. America does not need any more liberal "lions". When the time comes, Barney Franks needs to go. Got to flush the shit down the toilet.
