Monday, January 4, 2010

Electoral Vote Changes

Just a quick link to pump some life into this New Year!  Amplifying the electoral tidal wave that may be on the horizon in 2010 is the near fact that after the 2010 census, Red states will gain and Blue states will lose a net of eight Electoral Votes/Congressional Districts:
Of the states gaining House seats -- Texas (three) and Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington -- only Washington is reliably Democratic, having last voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 1984.

Of the states losing seats and electors -- Ohio (two), Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania -- only Louisiana is reliably Republican. And the fact that there are 170,000 fewer residents of New Orleans than before Hurricane Katrina has made the state even more reliably red.
What are the consequences of this?  Well for one, in the 2004 election, Ohio was the swing state.  In a close call, it went to George Bush.  In 2012, with the same results in the other states, George Bush could have lost Ohio and still won the election.  It means Republicans will have the advantage in races that are close.

I repeat my mantra: Demography is Destiny


  1. It is interesting that the states that are gaining electoral votes due to an increase in population are mostly conservative states and the states that are losing electoral votes are liberal states. Does anybody know why Washington is gaining seats? I remember talking about this in my America Government class. There is a migration away from liberal states to conservative states. This is a good illustration of how liberal policies cause job loses and people to flee those states.

    New Orleans was full of a bunch of human-welfare parasites from what I read. It looks like they spread out and are less of a voting force now.

    Current opinions polls shows that people are becoming disenchanted with liberal policies. From these polls, it would seem that the Republicans will gain seats this year. If the economy stays in the tank, there will probably be a new President in 2012. I hope by the time I graduate college the liberals will be out of power so that the economy improves.

  2. This might not mean anything good at all. I dont know how much we can really draw out of these statistics.

    What if the liberals are spreading out? What if they are migrating and on the assault? Maybe we will lose our strongholds.

    I hope its good though. I think it is too.

  3. States that tend to vote Republican are picking up more say in who gets elected. So this looks like a good thing to me. A lot of Democrats are retiring or quit. They now they are doomed. So a Republican victory looks like a very real possibly as of now. A good thing.

    The liberals and even conservatives are on the march and taking over the strongholds of freedom. The average American holds beliefs that are the exact opposite on the ones that made and make a free nation possible. Their minds have been programed by the education system and pop culture, look at Avatar.

    Most people are unaware that their mind is like a computer that needs to be programed. Values from pop culture and everything else go into our minds and program it to think and operate a certain way. This is why they saying of guarding the gateway of your mind came about, or something like that. A person can be aware of this fact and actively be aware of what goes into their minds and determine if these values will enter into their brain and how their mind operates. Most people are unaware of this fact and they allow their mind to passively be programmed by what enters their minds. They do not choose how their mind's will operate. Thus most Americans have been passively programmed to think a certain way by pop culture, the EDU system, and other means. The values that prevail throughout these things are the exact opposite of what makes freedom and life possible. In other words, the course that America and the world is on is pretty much set in stone. There will be minor variations but overall not that new. To change this course, their needs to be an education reform or an overall reform of our entire civilization. This won't happen until we reach the bottom.

  4. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the rack this morning?

  5. The whole Country is on the wrong side of the rack.

  6. I'm not in my rack. I get up to the early rising sun and I run all day til the runnin's all done. You are the one back in the rack drinkin a six pack. Nasty

  7. I wake up and go to work and make Capitalism happen. I am still in the fight. I receive a lot of flak out here. I don't know if you can handle it out here in the private sector.

  8. ToeJamm, regarding your first comment, yes, there is a certain amount of liberals that diffuse into the red states that could dilute the conservativeness of the receiving state. Take Oregon for example! But, overall, it's more the conservatives in the blue states leaving than liberals from the blue states leaving, making the blue states less electorally significant, but also even more liberal. Overall, this is a darn good thing.
