Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scott Brown Wins!!!

Epic, epic, epic! 
I can't sum it up any better than commenter 'Monty' at Ace's:

The Donk spin is inevitable, but it isn't going to work in this case. If it were any other state, any other Senate seat, then yes; they could spin it. But this was Saint Teddy the Blessed Savior's seat! Which he had held for more than four decades! And declared that health-care was his signature issue!

...and was just roundly defeated by a GOP candidate named Scott Brown.

This is not spin-able. This is a catastrophe, a calamity, a chasm the Democrats are still struggling to fathom. The "setbacks" in North Virginia and New Jersey are now looking like the vanguard of the slaughter to come, with tonight's debacle freezing the hearts of every at-risk Democrat in both houses of Congress. No Democrat seat is safe; they suspected this before but they know it now.

Obama's touch turns things to lead rather than gold; he is a lame-duck from now on. A failure. (And this is about Bammer, no doubt about it: by going to Mass to stump for Coakley, and failing, he made it about himself rather than Coakley. And he belly-flopped, just like every other time.) Democrats are going to trample each other rushing to the center to avoid the coming electoral bloodbath (much good it may do them), which means that the health-care bill, amnesty, card-check, and the KSM show-trial are probably all dead.

It has been a great day, my fellow Morons. A great day indeed.
Damn Straight! And, Way To Go Massachusions!


  1. Go Massachusetts!

    I hope this frenzy doesnt make the Republicans think that the job is done. It could just light a fire under the dems ass and they could counter attack while republicans get complacent.

    Next big thing is measure 66 and 67. Those need to fail as well to keep momentum. Conservative voting needs to be heard all around the nation.

  2. This actually got excited me about something. This is a major shift, but not unexpected. Hopefully all the people who got "a tingle up their legs" and a hard-on from the promise of hope and change have woken up. Hopefully this will force the Democrats to decide to listen to the voters and not push through their policies that Americans are against.

    I am reading "Modern Times" and it seems like America swings from way liberal to conservative. We had Wilson, a major liberal, then we had Harding and Coleridge, two conservative Presidents, and Hoover, who was a conservative in disguise at least economically, then we had Carter then we had Reagan. Bush was not a fiscal conservative then we have Obama. It seems like it goes back and forth but overall the nation seems to be drifting closer to the left. The short term looks good. Hopefully this is a portent or foreshadow of what November and 2012 will look like. The real unemployment is at 17.3%. America needs to head back towards capitalism. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aHA4PMI1G2ks

    Fuck Obama and big government.
