Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hope 'n' Change 2010

Brown: "The age of Obama is over. The time of the Tea Party has come.

Fear. Washington is rank with it. Move into the city. Kill all in your path."

* My apologies for being such a lame cut-and-paster.


  1. Hopefully the left will be slaughtered in elections. Obama and Franks and Ted Kennedy illustrates the principle stated by Justice Louis Brandeis, " Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial.[Housing for everyone and health care for all.] Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The [GREATER] dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." Or with understanding of where they are taking us. When the truth gets out, people will be very angry and direct this anger against the people responsible.

  2. lets not kill all in your path....

  3. Massachusetts is not the gay state any more! Americas alarm clock still works, we have woken up the American spirit. Our country still has strong independent Americans who want to learn, produce, and build wealth for themselves and their families. They are starting to see that with government interfering in everything taxes go up, and policies come forth that will limit their success.

  4. What does "lets not kill all in your path..." mean?

  5. I think Melkor is worried that his house might be in the path.

    Right on John! I think The People are waking up.

  6. Hahahaha. Then Melkor's comment is funny.
