Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union Address...Do we care?

I watched bits of the speech and heard critics from both sides. Sounds to me like he was pretty vague about his messages. I dont think he said or revealed anything ground breaking.

My question is, does any RTPers care? Should we care about this speech? Did it tell us anything we dont already know?


  1. I saw bits and pieces of it and I saw some of the commentary from Fox News about it. Some people said that this speech would be a major pivot point for President Obama where he would head more towards the center, like Clinton did after the Republican victory. Obama did say that he is not going to quit! So overall, the speech did not indicate a major shift towards the center by Obama.

    I found his statements about climate change interesting: he reaffirmed his commitment to fight climate change and passing some form of cap and trade. He was laughed at by the repbuclians. This shows that Obama is still going to use this climate change lie to enact his agenda of bigger government.

    He did state that he wants to pass some form of health care. I don't know if these two things will be possible to do.

    I believe Obama's statement about being a good one-term President as opposed to a medicore two-term. I believe that Scott Brown being elected will force Obama to sound more like a centrist; but from his statements above, he is still wanting push his goal of "fundamentally transforming America".

    He said he wanted to create more new green-jobs. So instead of the private sector determining what kind of new jobs to make, Obama will be the One to decide where the new jobs will be made. For every green job made there is a lost of 2.2 private sector jobs. Not good for the economy.

    Overall, Obama will sound more like a centrist while still trying to "fundamentally transform America". The question is if he will be able to with the change in the mood of the voters. Hopefully Obama and the Democrats will be put out of power before they are able to transform America anymore than they have.

  2. Another big thing that Obama stated in his speech is that he wants to pass legislation that would allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military. He said that when he got elected so I don't know if it will happen.

  3. I think he was tossing a bone to his base on the gays in the military thing. We'll see how hard he pushes it.

    He went after the banks and he went after the Supreme Court in his speech. He won't get anywhere against the Supreme Court, but we'll see how much he can intimidate the banks.

    But, I don't generally pay a lot of attention to State of the Union speeches.
