Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases under the clean air act.

It looks like the White House is not going to let the normal legislative process stand in its way of protecting the public from noxious greenhouse gases. The Congress will not be allowed to stand in the way! It is nice to know that someone is watching out for our welfare. I read this interesting new article yesterday.
The Environmental Protection Agency took a major step Monday toward regulating greenhouses gases, concluding that climate changing pollution threatens the public health and the environment.[...] The EPA said that the scientific evidence surrounding climate change clearly shows that greenhouse gases "threaten the public health and welfare of the American people" and that the pollutants — mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels — should be regulated under the Clean Air Act.
If the EPA goes through with this, what will this mean? It means that the government will have the power to regulate carbon emissions without having to pass legislation. Every form of economic activity that occurs in our carbon-based economy involves the burning of fossil fuels. This is a very clever way for the government to hide its goal of regulating every aspect of the economy and our lives, and this goal is being pursued on a global level. Charles Krauthammer states that this move by the EPA is blackmail and that environmentalism is the new socialism. This is a manufactured crises used to scare people into accepting more government --Very funny! I saw it on T.V. It is stupid. It might not be real. If it is, then WOW. (Where have I heard this before?)

Or as an Obama administration offical said,
If you don't pass this legislation, then ... the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area, the official said. And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it's going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.
"Regulate in a command-and-control way," What does that sound like to you? Obviously, this adminstration is serious about pursuing its goals of increasing the size and the scope of government into the private sector by using this global warming scam. Who knew the clean air act would be used for such purposes? Come on, clean air does not sound that nefarious.

In light of the Climate Gate scandal these people don't plan to reevaluate their stance on the global warming issue. Why? Because the various governments are using bad science and lies to pass and push through their agenda of wealth redistribution and an overall larger role of government in the private sector. Not to mention their desire to create a global governing body to enforce these climate rules.

This is big news, as is this whole Climate Gate scandal. This clearly illustrates how the governments of the world are trying to expand their power and size under the disguise of lies and by creating new regulations that would regulate every form of economic activity by regulating a substance that is essential to our economy--our economy is based on the use of fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases.

Is this some conspiracy, some pie-in-the-sky-amazingly-hard thing to believe? No, the founding fathers realized that due to human nature, governments would naturally try to increase their size and power. Human nature does not change nor can it be reshaped--like communism has tried to do. This is why the founding fathers created checks and balances in our government. Once one gets power they want more of it. As Lord Acton stated, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Alexander Frazier Tytler states this about the different stages of a Democracy, which is what America has deteriorated into.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy[Jeff, this is happening now}, always followed by dictatorship[Jeff, a soft, mild one]. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: "from bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.

America is at the point of going from dependency back into bondage--in this case, dependent on the government to allow and bless any form of economic activity. America's fate is not that hard to comprehend. The fate of a free society is revealed by history and was foreseen by many people that looked at this history combined with a knowledge of human nature. The people will demand change in the leadership of our country(Obama's approval number are very low for this point in his Presidency), but not before a system has been set up and our course has been set.

This attempt by tyranny to expand its control over people by claiming to be watching out and providing for our "general welfare" was foreseen by Tocqueville. This is a must read to understand how our Country is being transformed into a soft and mild tyrannical form of government through global warming and health care. One can not be fooled by all the good intentions and feel-good-emotional hype that surrounds these arguments. (There are other ways to get that tingly feeling running up your spine.)

This is America and it will always exist as a free country, right? Things will always be the same as they were when one popped their head out into this world. Once people allow their freedoms to be taken away, it requires a lot of time and a lot of blood to gain it back. What awaits us is not all that unknowable or secret or amazing, if one knows how to look at current events from a historical perspective. If one knows the general direction we are headed, they can set themselves up to prosper. While this climate conference and the overall global warming debate will not led to America loosing its freedoms over night nor will it set the Country's fate in stone, it does illustrate that there is an attempt to fundamentally transform America and attack freedom, and whatever comes out of Copenhagen will led America and the world closer to universal tyranny. It is all under the guise of solving a non-existent crises, so what good can come out of it? This is all revealed out in the open to anyone who is looking and able and willingly to comprehend what is occurring.


  1. Yeah, Obama's running into walls trying to get his radical agendas passed. This is an end run. And should enflame the country against him. For the thousandth time, imagine if Bush had done this...

    I really do think pushing this may cause a real explosion.

  2. Hopefully, this will be the case.

    I guess the Obama administration was not joking when they said that he would be ready to take power and rule on day one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG6pQGRnUjc
    It is a poor quality video. But I don't think anybody will doubt that this was stated by Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarret.

  3. I just read a good article by Charles Krauthammer titled "The New Socialism". http://townhall.com/columnists/CharlesKrauthammer/2009/12/11/the_new_socialism?page=2

    "In the 1970s and early '80s, having seized control of the U.N. apparatus (by power of numbers), Third World countries decided to cash in. OPEC was pulling off the greatest wealth transfer from rich to poor in history. Why not them? So in grand U.N. declarations and conferences, they began calling for a "New International Economic Order." The NIEO's essential demand was simple: to transfer fantastic chunks of wealth from the industrialized West to the Third World.[...]But such dreams never die. The raid on the Western treasuries is on again, but today with a new rationale to fit current ideological fashion. With socialism dead, the gigantic heist is now proposed as a sacred service of the newest religion: environmentalism.[...]With the Senate blocking President Obama's cap-and-trade carbon legislation, the EPA coup d'etat served as the administration's loud response to Webb: The hell we can't. With this EPA "endangerment" finding, we can do as we wish with carbon. Either the Senate passes cap-and-trade, or the EPA will impose even more draconian measures: all cap, no trade."

  4. "New international Economic Order." This is a new form of the Global Bolshevik revolution. It never completely went away, it just adapted. http://mises.org/books/roadahead.pdf

  5. That video was amazing. I dont think it was fake either. I think they really showed it at the copenhagen meeting. Liberals use a lot of pathos in their writing and arguments. My writing teacher said that pathos only works though on people who are not sophisticated. Logic is used by conservatives.

  6. Sounds logical to me! Certainly RTP is 100% logical. No cheap sensationalism here!
