Friday, December 18, 2009

Communist and Socialist are trying to save the planet.

This information is not new to us here. So I will make a short post with some entertaining videos. I got this video from the Hot Air blog and I downloaded it from Youtube.

I got this off of Rush Limbaugh dot com. Hugo Chavez made an interesting speech--minute seven is a good place to start--at the Copenhagen meetings where he generally attacked capitalism by stating that "capitalism is a ghost in the room". He received some applause for these remarks--Rush said it was a loud and long applause, but the one in the video was rather quiet and short. Chavez did give a shout-out to the young people outside of the meetings protesting. Probably not the people in the video above, but all of the other hippies. To sum up the theme of the Copenhagen meetings, Capitalism needs to go in order to save the environment--of course the saving the environment part is just a means to gain legitimacy for their goal of destroying capitalism, a new take on a relativitly old movement.

The remarks by Chavez illustrates one of the main problems with international meetings such as Copenhagen and international bodies such as the U.N.--they give equal time an and clout to these Communist dictators. If there is to be an international governing body that is conductive to free trade and overall freedom--which is necessary, these clowns need to be removed from these organizations or their influence needs to be completely sidelined in these organizations. This of course won't happen because two of the major players in the U.N. are Russia and China, and there can not be an IGB that leaves out over half of the world. These systems of tyranny will never be completely eliminated from the world--the free countries did not have the fortitude nor the means. There can not be a union of freedom or good and tyranny or evil. Tyranny and evil is the one that benefits from such a union. A union between freedom and tyranny is the how the current IGB is taking shape, so it will not turn out to be one that is good for Freedom. Overall, a good video that shows who the people are that are behind this global warming scam and a good illustration of what is wrong with the U.N. and these international meetings--the U.N. and these international meetings are a mixture of freedom and tyranny, and they are a means to disarm the West and to gain its compliance and support in the destruction of freedom.


  1. America is the most capitalist country ever. It is so comfortable in America. Anyone can have a comfortable living and salary. We are the purist example of capitalism and we thrived. The purist form of socialism was corrupt and depressive. I cant believe anyone buys this complete horse shit. It is so in your face obvious how right capitalism is. WTF

    I read an article on the outcome of the Coopenhagen summit though. Doesnt look like much was accomplished. Thankfully China doesnt want to cooperate. Atleast China has balls.

  2. Yes, the sad irony is that China and Russia have blown holes in the weak socialist west's Global Warming fantasy. Not because they are the new capitalist saviors, though in some ways, at least China is, but because of pure self interest. Something the West is too fat, comfortable, and socialized to take into account any more.

    These are exciting times: Obambi comes home with virtually nothing except for signing up to pay the third world $100B/yr. Of whose money? I guess we'll borrow from China to pay other countries, and then cover the interest.

    Let's see how this health care plan plays out!

    Interesting times, posts forthcoming.

  3. The outcome is not all that surprising, and it is a good ending. Obama expressed that he wished to achieve more with this meeting. Obama said this, "'But here is the bottom line: we can embrace this accord, take a substantial step forward, and continue to refine it and build upon its foundation,' he said, clearly showing frustration over his administration's apparent inability to provide a stage from which it could declare a significant victory — and world leadership — in the battle against the effects of climate change."

    According to Fox News the results of Copenhagen will doom Cap and Trade legislation here in America. I don't know if the efforts of the adminastration to implement cap and trade by having the EPA declare greenhouse gases a threat to the public health will be successful or if they will pursue the matter.

    While the result of all of this is not surprising, the point I take away is that there was an attempt to achieve what they tried to and that they will continue to try again next year or until they achieve what they want. According to Obama, the meetings has hopefully laid the foundation from which to move forward with some international global warming treaty. If they could, they would have passed this. Obama did want some deal to be struck. The only thing that stood in the way was the economy, and the fact that China still has a long way to develop economically.

    This whole debacle illustrates that freedom is under attack and freedom-loving people need to be vigilant. The enemies of freedom are not finished using the global warming scam to achieve their goal and they will not stop.

    Pledging 100 billion dollars that we don't have is one bad thing that came out of Copenhagen.

    What was the whole point of this meeting? The whole premise is wrong.
