Thursday, October 21, 2010

Texas Thinks it's Colorado in Atlas Shrugged

Rich Lowry in National Review points out that half of the new jobs created in the US in the last year were created in Texas:
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 214,000 net new jobs were created in the United States from August 2009 to August 2010. Texas created 119,000 jobs during the same period. If every state in the country had performed as well, we’d have created about 1.5 million jobs nationally during the past year, and maybe “stimulus” wouldn’t be such a dirty word.

What does Austin know that Washington doesn’t? At its simplest: Don’t overtax and -spend, keep regulations to a minimum, avoid letting unions and trial lawyers run riot, and display an enormous neon sign saying, “Open for Business.”
Not only does Texas think they're better than everyone else, they really are better than everyone else. I'm sure the Nanny State Federal Gubmint will do their damnedest to shut down the Lone Star state.

I can't stand Texans' thinking their flat, hot, dusty state is so super awesome, but they back it up.


  1. I know. It sucks. They are so cool.

  2. Texas sounds like a nice place to move. The only thing to watch out for is illegal immigration.

    Texas is only one little proof of how economically successful limited government and low taxes are. The politicians can't deny this or all of the other facts. The fact is that the current people running the government don't necessarily want a booming economy, right now, because that does not fit into their agenda. They want to remake society in their own ideal of fairness. This video shows that Obama is willingly to decrease government tax revenues for the purpose of fairness see the 1st 2 minutes
    (This is not the original video I wanted and it has stuff added in it.)

    If you look at the policies the government has enacted the past two years through the prism of improving the economy, then every thing they do makes absolutely no sense and that is why so many people are perplexed. Their policies have the exact opposite effects of improving the economy because that is not their goal: it is to "fundamentally transform" our Country into a more "fair and equitable" society and the booming economy comes later. This is too hard for most American's to wrap their minds around and to accept this so they will forever be confused nor able to confront the reality that is before us. So any of these facts that illustrate how limited government and low taxes are an economic success will mean nothing to those running our government.

    I like Friedrich Hayek's take on this type of redistrubtive justice that those in government are seeking. "A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers." If a government is to seek redistributive justice--- as President Obama wants to--whose ideal or standard of social justice is this justice going to be? And what entity is going to bring about this redistributive justice by confiscating the wealth and doling it back out as it sees fit according to its ideal of social justice?

  3. This has nothing to do with Texas but is not worthy of its own post.

    Juan Williams took some shots at the left in this ABC interview. This is uplifting to me because it is a prominent NPR journalist who is switching sides from the left. He is kind of like the Joe Lieberman of the journalism industry. I hope he starts seeing things more clearly and voices his opinion about it. Its always good to have a black guy on your side in this country. Sad but true.

    Here is his interview

  4. Has anyone noticed that Texas is also one of the few "oil republics" in the world that has a dynamic and functioning other-than-oil economy?

  5. I don't think Juan Williams is now a 100% conservative. He did cry when Obama was elected. I think he is seeing how "rigid" the left. Juan basically strayed from the left's "plantation" by working on Fox News and appearing on conservative shows and now he has to be whipped back into submission.

    I have never noticed that about Texas and I don't know the signifance of it.

  6. Good point Melkor. The significance is that it's an oil republic run by Americans, or maybe Texans. It is not allowed to just sit there and be a cash cow to be milked while neglecting everything else, and to be totally dominated by the government. In this case, Texas actually shines compared to Alaska.

  7. I don't think he is either.

    Crying when he was elected exemplifies how much he has changed though. I think it is a good example of how the radical leadership is exposing how shitty the left is.

    I never noticed that about Texas. Isn't most their oil dried up though?

  8. I know they still pump a lot of oil. Not sure how much though.
