Thursday, October 28, 2010

Interesting Happenings

I was watching Monday Night Football the other night and something caught my eye. Or rather, my ear. An HP commercial featuring a Melanie song and a Microsoft commercial featuring a Donovan song appeared almost one after the other. While these two commercial soundtracks might mean nothing to the common MNF viewer, among Triomino enthusiasts they are very significant.

I have not pin pointed the specific significance of these findings. I will have to seek the highest of my order to do so.

One more thing. I was searching for a picture for this post. I stumbled on some peculiar photos of what appears to be potential Triominauts who were otherwise unknown until now. Again, these are things only the highest of my order will be able to explain.


  1. Certainly sounds like Psychedelic music too me. Maybe the same marketing firm made both commercials and the people were tripping out when they came up with the ideal for the commercials.

    "The highest of my order" sound creepy. If I were an outsider to this blog, that would make me to get the fuck out of here. If it has something to do with Triomino, then I don't want to know what it means.

    In football news, I heard that the NFL made some new rule that made a NFL player state that the game will become like flag football.

  2. O yeah, the phone commercial is very interesting. I think thousands of years from now people will be living inside of a phone or some other computer or some other level of existence. The commerical somewhat points that out by showing how people are so caught up with or into their phones. I am reading "The World is Flat" which is where I got that ideal from.

  3. Like The Matrix? We'll see.

    If you ever visit the Northwest again Jeff, then I'll enlighten you to a Triomino game. You might even decide to change your name to Re-Tard.

  4. "Enlighten you with a Triomino game". I need to do a better job proof reading my comments.

  5. Very perceptive pickup ToeJamm! I heard those songs too, and hoped you and Decoy heard them. I figured Melkor probably didn't watch. But,I didn't really think about the Triomino angle to it though. Hmmm...What could it mean?

    I'll pass this one to the other Masters.

  6. I think Jeff would really enjoy a Triominos game!

  7. It is like dominoes but it is played with a triangle which changes the game up?
