Monday, October 18, 2010

She's Back! Leader of the Free World puts the breaks on Multiculturalism

I'll give her a more dignified look this time. 

Via Hot Air, Angela Merkel says
“We feel tied to Christian values. Those who don’t accept them don’t have a place here,” said the chancellor.
“Subsidising immigrants” isn’t sufficient, Germany has the right to “make demands” on them, she added, such as mastering the language of Goethe and abandoning practices such as forced marriages.

Whoa! This is a German from post-Christian Europe saying this. Winds of Change?

Says Ed Morrisey at Hot Air:
Merkel’s speech may be one of the more important given by a Western leader in the last several years. It underscores that immigrants have a duty to assimilate if they want to live in another country, and that the receiving nation’s responsibilities do not include carving its nation or its laws into mini-models of the nations that the immigrants have left.

If she can make it happen, if she has the support of most Germans, this could be a real step towards sanity and a Post-PC world.


  1. Thomas Sowell did a piece on it.

    Multiculturalism is a broad topic. It is basically a way to destroy Western culture by getting it to bring about its own destruction by using peoples emotions and the far reaching support for equality, which is over rated or misused. From what I know Europe is largely becoming Muslim. I don't know if her statement shows a real fundamental shift in world opinion.

  2. Hey Dean, do you need somebody to talk to? Has the cup always been half empty?

    I might have a little job for you Jeffery.

    See if you can respond to a post with an optimistic answer. There is always something good to say. Its a little journalism test for you.

  3. My answers are full of optimism and research. I can tell you some fairy tells if you want.

  4. Jeff knows the minds of fairies.


  5. This is in reference to the place I work whose mascot is a flying smiley face that lowers prices. I am part of one of the flatting forces of the world according to "The Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century".
