Friday, October 16, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: Denied

Although I like Limbaugh, I agree with the NFL country club of owners in denying him the opportunity to have ownership of the St. Louis Rams.

I think this is a perfect example of business being able to do what it wants. I think it is a perfect example of Capitalism. If the NFL, a profit seeking business, doesn't want Limbaugh bringing any unwanted press, then they should be able to deny him if they see fit. I think people are idiots for not liking him, but I respect the NFL's right to do this.

Its funny that Capitalism is used by liberals when it is to their advantage. Otherwise, it is an evil policy.


  1. The NFL can do what it wants, but you miss the bigger picture. Limbaugh was lynched because of his politics. He was slandered by Sharpton and Jackson and all of these other sport writers. There are also some interesting connections to the NFL and the White House. This was possibly all about showing who had the real power in the NFL. He was lied about by the black leaders for things he never said. He was destroyed because of his politics. This is an attack on all conservatives, and is a battle in the war over freedom in America.
    "DeMaurice Smith, the executive director of the Players Association is an Obamaite. He's donated to Obama. He is a Washington lobbyist at Patton Boggs, and I think he even served on Obama's transition team. He has no experience in professional sports. The National Football League's agreement, collective bargaining agreement with the players expires soon. Next year, the salary cap -- if they don't get a new deal done, next year the salary cap -- will go away. And after that, there is a fear that the owners -- who think they're giving up too much of the gross in salary, compensation to the players -- might lock them out, a work stoppage. This is something that the Players Association doesn't want, obviously."

    "And the real reason, the real reason -- and there are many, many reasons that are valid, but the real reason -- that pressure was brought upon me by Sharpton and Jackson and DeMaurice Smith and the commissioner is that the Players Association is using my involvement in the Rams and this whole episode as a bit of leverage in their negotiations, the upcoming negotiations with the league and with the owners on a new collective bargaining agreement. That is what's really going on, and the Players Association... I don't know how many players know this, but Mr. Smith has let it be known that if he has to he'll bring the White House into this. He'll bring the Congressional Black Caucus into this."

    "So Obama's America is quite possibly going to include the National Football League, and pressure from Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus and other places might be brought to bear on the owners. I can't imagine that that's anything they want."
    "In selecting Smith this year, the union chose Washington smarts over football experience. Smith, a Washington lawyer, served on the Obama transition team and also worked for Eric Holder before Holder became attorney general."

    'Smith’s gross conflict of interest and apparent political targeting of Obama’s top foe is a huge story. Unfortunately the media appears too blinded by their prejudice of Limbaugh to report on it.'

    "To summarize, we know that a former Obama official and political ally--who was chosen by the NFLPA specifically for his political clout and connections to the highest rungs of power in government--directly attacked Limbaugh for the radio-talker’s political commentary."

  2. I hadn't really thought about it from your point of view ToeJamm, and you're entirely correct.

    Jeff's point of view is where I was at, but the thing is, even though he was tarnished possibly libelously by news organizations and public figures, there's no denying that, regardless of what he's been erroneously charged of, he's a lightning rod public figure and he certainly makes no bones about that himself. So, overall, I guess I do think you've got a telling point. The NFL doesn't need a polarizing figure in their management, even if I agree with everything he says.

  3. The NFL already has a political fellow in their organization, and that was the point I got from the article above. "In selecting Smith this year, the union chose Washington smarts over football experience. Smith, a Washington lawyer, served on the Obama transition team and also worked for Eric Holder before Holder became attorney general." The NFL is not immune to politics and the influence of Washington.

    Bud-D, Limbaugh was not "possibly tarnished": he was tarnished.

    The fact is that Limbaugh got attacked and denied because he was a conservative. The black leadership inside and outside of the NFL libeled him with the racism charge. Race was used as a tool to libel and defeat a conservative. A conservative was lied about; and as a result, he was not able to go through with a business deal. This is a fundamental issue that goes at the heart of the struggle going on in our society. This is similar to what happened to Clarence Thomas.

    I can understand why the NFL would not want Limbaugh, and they had a right to do what they did. My whole point is that he was libeled and lied about and this forced him to not be able to go through with this business deal. This is about a much larger issue that goes outside of the NFL, and worth noting is the fact that the NFL is coming under the influence of Washington and politics, in a tangential way.

    I think the views of Toejamm and Bud-D miss the whole point. Who cares though, we can just go on watching football and root for our team. This does not change this fact; so what is it to anyone.

  4. Don't be a conservative and try to be successful or your character will be destroyed--Palin, Prejean(?), and Limbaugh. The black leadership will drum up fake race charges to destroy you. Race is a weapon to silence and defeat opponents. If that only invokes apathy, then I don't know, We are done.

  5. The NFL does not want a lightning rod figure. Look at Michael Vick and who was that player that killed some people that were drunk? A conservative--hey can't have that, too much attention.

  6. You are not looking at the point.

    Yes, the NFL is not immune to politics. Luckily for the liberals, they have more influence over the NFL. So, they have the advantage of choosing or influencing who gets involved or not. If conservatives ran the whole thing and a conservative president was in office who meddled in business he wasnt supposed to, Limbaugh would've been able to do this easily. And you, Dean, would have been pleased with the decision. But since liberals run the show, you are whining and kicking.

    Bottom line, it is a Business that has the right to choose its employees. They could have chosen to not let limbaugh in because he is white and fat, thats their choice.

    The NFL is the most productive and glamorous sport in America. Roger Goodell knows what he is doing.

    Your point about Michael Vick supports my argument. The public likes Vick and he boosted Eagles ticket sales and tv ratings. Good move. Rush Limbaugh will draw free agent players away from St. Louis and they will be worse off then the already horrible team that they are right now. They will lose money.

    You have to look at the main objective of the NFL. It is to make money. Bottomline. Unfortunately Limbaugh would hurt that objective.

  7. Like I said earlier, I see and agree with your point.

    "If conservatives ran the whole thing and a conservative president was in office who meddled in business he wasnt supposed to, Limbaugh would've been able to do this easily. And you, Dean, would have been pleased with the decision. But since liberals run the show, you are whining and kicking."
    How do you think that it would be ok with me if a conservative President were interfering in the free market? I would be just as against this if it were a the conservatives the one doing the lying and the public slandering of anyone. You see, I stand on and by principles--not by political party. So what you said is not fair criticism of me, and I am not whinning and kicking only because liberals are running the show.

    Jeff said this on the previous comments: "I can understand why the NFL would not want Limbaugh, and they had a right to do what they did. My whole point is that he was libeled and lied about and this forced him to not be able to go through with this business deal."

    My point was about the White House possibly being involved in slandering Limbaugh and to show how the NFL has come under the influence of Washington.
