- "The legitimacy of virtually any program that promotes the interests of minority and female faculty, staff and students, even if the program is blatantly racist or sexist -- justified by a belief that America's past unjust treatment of blacks, American Indians and Japanese-Americans, and its unfair treatment of women render such discrimination necessary and lawful."
- "A multicultural mentality, which preaches that America's Eurocentric, white, Christian heritage is responsible for colonialism, imperialism, racism and sexism, and that its replacement by a culture that "celebrates diversity" will transform the US into a more just and humane society."
- "A distrust of free markets and democratic capitalism, and its severe limitation in favor of a centralized, government-controlled economy that will redistribute the wealth of America more fairly."
- "A denigration of religious belief and its replacement by the "worship" of secular humanism, with mindless environmentalism occupying a central place in the new religion." I would add the worship of the state.
He describes the conformity of thought and the fact that all think alike. "My second observation is that I was not the only one failing to make waves. [In fact, there were no waves whatsoever.] There was no debate, no controversy; just the calm serenity of a campus at peace with its almost universally accepted mind set. I attribute this to three things. First, of course, anyone raising an objection was viewed, as I was, as hopelessly out of it and worthy only of being ignored. This has a chilling effect, perhaps even more effective than derision. Second, I suspect that those who believed as I did were still in lockdown mode -- for the same reasons as I was over the years. And third, I believe the liberal brainwash has been so effective on campus -- and in the national educational system in general -- that many in the liberal majority can't even fathom that there is anyone who doubts the legitimacy of their point of view."
He shows how this conformity of thought has been spread throughout our whole system. "My final observation is the following. The liberal hegemony exists in many quarters of the country beside academia -- e.g., the mainstream media, major foundations, law schools and the trail lawyers they produce, public school teachers, the Democratic Party, even big corporations. But none of these can maintain the atmosphere as effortlessly as campus profs and administrators." Indeed, the state education system is helping to make people "to be exactly like one another". To defeat America, it must be defeated from within. The education system is a major tool to bring a disintegration of our system by undercutting the very foundation of our society and Country. One must be armed with knowledge to overcome the system.
A good website with information to battle the liberal establishment in the university system and their lies and crap that they teach is the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. They review colleges and provide a plethora of information for the college student. It is a good source to find a college; and overall, to overcome the liberal tide in the education system. Well worth a check by the college student.
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