Friday, October 9, 2009

An entertaining song and dance in support of health care reform!

This video is very funny! I don't know if it is real or not. I got it off of Rush Limbaugh dot com. This is a video of students of the Ron Clark Academy, located in glorious Atlanta, that took place on CNN live. The kids are singing a cool song along with a nice little dance. I think that this school is a public-private partnership. Anyways, an entertaining little two minute video that shows what is happening in our education system. Before long, children will be pledging allegiance to the president or some system, like they do in those countries with an overzealous government. This is America though, so we don't have to worry about that happening. Again, very funny.


  1. I want my Obamacare now!!! How dare you keep it from me!

    Nice how CNN actually invited them on their set to perform this propoganda.

  2. Today my teacher was talking about punishing parents who feed their children fatty foods and the government punishing the parents for raising fat food addicted children. Saying that it is child abuse. How about punishing parents and teachers for brainwashing poor little kids? These kids don't even know what they are singing. I laughed my ass off watching this.
