Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Awesome Recount of the Obama Administration

Still worried about this country going apeshit, here's a good account of somethings to be excited about:


  1. Vindicates NBC partially from Tina Fey

  2. This video is funny. I would say that President Obama has achieved a lot. He has nationalized the auto industry, he has helped to bankrupt our nation and as a result to bring about a shift in the power structure of the world, he has done some not so smart moves on the foreign policy realm, the banking industry is in the process of being nationalized. Overall, he may not have done what he has stated, but he still has made some great strives in achieving his goal of remaking America.

  3. It is sort of funny, and the points he makes are true. I don't understand why he can't immitate Obama's voice though. What kind of impersonator is he? Sounds like a guy reading a script. Aren't there any good comedians any more? Also, are they bummed because Obama hasn't done anything or do they think it's funny, I can't tell.

    What's even more funny though, is CNN's attempt to Factcheck the skit. As reported on Ace & Hot Air, CNN was so panicked at the thought of someone actually making fun of Dear Leader that they felt the need to Factcheck before things got to far:


    If you can find an example of where they provided this service for Bush (or Palin in particular!) please let me know. I don't know what's more pathetic: that they will go to these ridiculous lengths to protect Dear Leader, or the realization that spoofs on SNL sway more people's thinking than the actual news.
