Monday, July 15, 2013

Enemies Of The Human Race

Society and the law are rapidly accepting homosexuality and same-sex marriage. As can be shown by recent events, there appears to be an inverse relationship (as one goes up the other goes down and vice versa) developing between society and the law's acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage and between religious freedoms and the rights of groups or individuals to express disapproval of these two ideas. This relationship is being driven in part by the fact that the latter group is essentially being labeled as “enemies of the human race”--dissenting justice Scalia's assessment of the majority's opinion-- by the activist Supreme Court who has taken it upon itself to attempt to impose same-sex marriage on a society that a significant portion has rejected when this issue has come up for a vote.

The motivating force behind the Defense of Marriage Act and supporters of it was the desire to “demean” and “degrade” homosexuals and to "humiliate" their children. This is according to the majority's opinion of the Supreme Court as stated by justice Kennedy (around pg. 23 of the opinion of of the SC section) in its recent ruling that struck down a provision of the DOMA. In his dissenting opinion justice Scalia sums up ( pg 21of the dissenting opinion section) Kennedy's argument:
[...]the majority says that the supporters of this Act acted with malice—with the “purpose”(ante,at 25) “to disparage and to injure” same-sex couples. It says that the motivation for DOMA was to “demean,” ibid.; to “impose inequality,” ante, at 22; to “impose . . . a stigma,” ante, at 21; to deny people “equal dignity,” ibid. ; to brand gay people as “unworthy,” ante, at 23; and to“humiliat[e]” their children,ibid. (emphasis added). I am sure these accusations are quite untrue. To be sure (as the majority points out), the legislation is called the Defense of Marriage Act. But to defend traditional marriage is not to condemn, demean, or humiliate those who would prefer other arrangements, any more than to defend the Constitution of the United States is to condemn, demean, or humiliate other constitutions. To hurl such accusations so casually demeans this institution. In the majority’s judgment, any resistance to its holding is beyond the pale of reasoned disagreement. To question its high-handed invalidation of a presumptively valid statute is to act (the majority is sure) with the purpose to “disparage,” ”injure,” “degrade,” ”demean,” and “humiliate” our fellow human beings, our fellow citizens, who are homosexual.
All that, simply for supporting an Act that did no more than codify an aspect of marriage that had been unquestioned in our society for most of its existence—indeed, had been unquestioned in virtually all societies for virtually all of human history. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race.[...] in the majority’s telling, this story is black and white: Hate your neighbor or come along with us.

According to Charles Krauthammer and the dissenting opinion by Justice Scalia, (see pg. 23 of the dissenting opinion), the recent ruling will eventually lead to the legalization of same-sex marriage being forced upon American society. Krauthammer: “In this opinion, is the absolutely inevitable seed of essentially nationalizing gay marriage in the way Roe nationalized and abolished all the abortion laws". The legalization of same-sex marriages could lead to persecution of those that hold religious beliefs that condemns homosexuality according to Krauthammer:

It gets really sticky,” Krauthammer said on “Inside Washington.” “If the court were to decide that to deny same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, then you got Georgetown University – a Jesuit university [that has] married student housing. It’s a Catholic university. So it says it’s only going to allow heterosexuals, it will get sued. It will become an assault on religion. And the religions, which I think are sincere in their beliefs, are going to be under assault and under attack. 
This persecution is already taking place inside and outside the military. In the military those that express disapproval with homosexuals or gay marriage are being punished and outside of the military a private business in Oregon is being threatened with legal action for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage. In the air force:

A 27-year veteran of the Utah Air National Guard said he was reprimanded after he wrote a letter objecting to a gay wedding in the West Point chapel and was later told to prepare for retirement because his personal beliefs about homosexuality were not compatible with the military’s policies.[...]

“My issue is so much about homosexuals serving in the military, but rather that it is being forced upon as an acceptable lifestyle abandoning our traditional values,” he wrote.[...]

He said the military has created an atmosphere where those who do not approve of homosexual conduct “must remain disapprovingly silent or face reprisal to our careers.”

“It is evident those who refuse to affirm homosexuality and openly oppose it are being severely punished,” he wrote.[...] 
“They’re trying to make examples of people early on who have religious beliefs that homosexual conduct in the military is wrong,” he said. “When these people assert their First Amendment rights, they are getting slapped down and slapped down hard.”

An army band member was punished for expressing disapproval of the repeal of the DADT:

A member of the U.S. Army Band who said he was reprimanded […] [for] serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at a party was found guilty of three Article 15 charges.[...]

“My family likes Chick-fil-A and we like what they stand for,” he said. “I can make a statement and at least express a religious point of view at my promotion party – theoretically without any fear of reprisal.”

The soldier also tweeted about the party: “In honor of DADT repeal, and Obama/Holder’s refusal to enforce DOMA act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A at my MSG promo reception for Army today.”

The tweet came under fire from his superior officers, according to an official military document.

“As a Soldier you must be cognizant of the fact that your statements can be perceived by the general public and other service members to be of a nature bordering on disrespect to the President of the United States,” the document stated.

Attorney Wells believes Sommers is being discriminated against not only because of his Christian faith, but also because of his objections to homosexuality.

“There’s no question about it,” Wells told Fox News. “Because he is religious, because he feels that homosexual conduct is wrong for religious reasons, he is basically being persecuted.”

Here is what happens to business owners that decide to exercise and adhere to their religious freedoms and beliefs : “An Oregon man may have broken the law and is facing a state investigation after refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding, KATU reports."  What is clear from these few examples is that expressing support for or acting on one's religious beliefs regarding homosexuality is not being tolerated.

The Supreme Court has labeled supporters of traditional marriage and values-- and by extension Christianity--as enemies of the human race and has attributed ill will against homosexuals to the formers support for the values and traditions that have enabled America to become the greatest country human history has ever known. The logical extension of this analysis is for corrective action—punishment and marginalization-- by the law to be taken against those that hold traditional values. As was shown, this is already happening. According to justice Scalia, the court's ruling arms supporters of same-sex marriage and the courts with the ability to force same-sex marriage upon society. Justice Scalia's dissenting opinion( starting around pg. 18 of the dissenting opinion section) is well worth reading regarding the court's ruling and the same-sex-marriage issue.


  1. Stay strong and committed to God's law.

    Earth is a battlefield controlled by Satan. C.S. Lewis in "Mere Christianity" describes Christian Churches as secret hideouts behind enemy lines.

    Satan is winning the battle with the help of Scalia and others like her. God will win the war.

  2. Scalia in this case, as in most, is the good guy on the Supreme Court, writing the dissenting opinion.

    God will win the war, though it may be long. He didn't say the things he did in the Bible for no reason. There is a reason and it will bear out over time.

    I'm a little mixed over the gay marriage thing though. If two gay people want to live together, that's their business, not mine, whether I approve or not. If they want to will their inheritance to each other, that's totally their business. If they want to go to a faux-church and have a faux-minister declare them married in the eyes of the Lord, that's their business and they can answer to God for it when the time comes.

    The problems start when government sticks its nose into it and starts telling me or others how I must treat them: 1) The tax breaks they get for being married in the eyes of the government 2) the businesses that must kowtow to their demands regardless of the businesses' belief.

    Tax breaks for inheritance from marriage were instated because of the social good of marriage. What is the social good of marriage? To provide the optimum environment for raising children. That is the only real social good marriage provides, especially now that women can make a living for themselves. There is no other reason why government should be sticking its nose into this business of individuals and providing incentives to behave one way or another. The response is "gay people have children too". Well, the gay couples themselves don't have children, so those children are being raised in a non-optimal environment, regardless of how caring and good the parents (biological and otherwise) are. Also, and this is my (and I believe God's) main beef: Gay people don't have children. Obviously this statement is not 100% true, but it is true statistically. The reproduction rate of gay couples is of course 0%, and the rate of people who have kids in spite of their professed gay sexuality is far below replacement level. Marriage is for having and raising children and nothing else. This happens to be the most important THING there is in life, but it is the only reason for marriage. Government incentivising of gay marriage makes a mockery of the incentivisation(is that a word?) of marriage, and therefore makes it pointless (probably one of the Left's reasons for pushing the whole issue). Libertarians should applause the Left's efforts to delegitimize government incentives for marriage here because this will need to go away anyway when we finally get our Flat Tax. I have mixed feelings about that.

    Regarding 2) All, including gays will suffer for this, because, people that are going to stand for their beliefs will not bow to the government and will either quit the business altogether or find ways around it. My church, for example, will no longer perform marriages for non-members now, as opening it up to one person outside the church opens it up to everyone.

  3. I rewrote some sections where it was vague as to who wrote the majority's and dissenting opinion. Scalia was the dissenting opinion.

    Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs in the coming years to a much greater extent than they already are.

    Nobody on either side of this issue has argued against free people being able to choose their own living arrangements or who they live with. The problem is when a militant group of people want to redefine an institution that has been the foundation of societies throughout human history to the effect of destroying it--and this is exactly what same-sex marriage will do as revealed by a gay rights activist. Hayek points out that " that the state has an important role to play in defending the norms and practices of an ordered and free society". The government has a role in supporting norms and practices and institution that are beneficial and necessary for society to exist. By its very nature laws say what is right or wrong and can not be netural in the ethical or moral area. Why are their laws against animal cruelty? In the case when this animal is owned by nobody, nobody's rights are being violated by this. The reason the law exist is because we don't want to live in a society that condones such behaivor. Such a behavior would not be conducive to society. The same could be said about drug laws.

    In the case of marriage, the state promotes a behavior that benefits society for obivious reasons—creating the future generation. This is why families get tax breaks and other benefits and the government promotes such behavior. Same-sex couples are not capable of producing offspring. And in those few cases where same-sex couples adopt kids, this has shown to be very determential to the kids: they grow up being more likely to be sexualy abused and to have other pshyclogocial problems. Laws of biology state that kids need a mom and a dad to be raised properly. Sam-sex marriage will destroy the institution of marriage. Once society no longer accepts the boundaires set by nature in sexual behaivor then anything goes. How about polygamy marriages between people and animals. There is an attempt to normalize incest and pedophila. Now that homosexuality is normal and accepted anything and everything goes to the end result of the collapse of our civilization.

    1. Whoops, I was hasty in my comment. I don't really know the names of the Supreme Court. Haha. I was picturing the latino lady.

  4. The problem is tax law. The tax law should not be used as a socially intervening tool.

    Same as Bud-D, I do not care if they get married. They can do whatever they want, but they should not get social benefits from it. Also, traditional marriages should not get benefits either. Refundable tax credits should not be given out. It provides TONS of incentive for immoral activity: gay marriage, children out of wedlock, poor people having children, etc...

    Flat tax baby. I've asked successful economists and accountants the question of why there is not a flat tax. I always get a smile, a little chuckle, and some bull shit answer like, "Well, the tax code is just as much a social policy tool as a revenue source for the government. Flat tax would undermine the government's power to help people....blah....blah....".

    Horrible answer.

  5. A flat tax would undermine the government's power and that is why it will never be instituted. I think we are sometimes naive in assuming that the government's goals are for the economy to do well or to promote human welfare. It is about power and promoting other goals. Law is incapable of not being used as a social tool. By its very nature it says what is right or wrong from the perspective of the government, and law incentives certain behavior. The question is whether it incentives good or bad behavior from the perspective of promoting a society that is conducive to human life or welfare.

    It is a slippery slope when have a nonchalant attitude towards homosexuality. If you accept homosexuality then you will ultimately be accepting other disgusting things by the same logic that accepts homosexuality: "As legislators and other government officials promote “gay” friendly laws, they are unwittingly laying the foundation for special protections for pedophiles, including the right to work with children, family advocates warn. [...]In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders after intense lobbying by homosexual-rights groups."

    "At the time of the delisting, critics warned that it would eventually lead to acceptance of other types of sexual deviancy, including pedophilia. Supporters of the “gay” lifestyle decried the comparison, insisting that no such thing would ever occur."

    "However, it appears the critics were right on the mark."

    "In 2003, a group of mental health professionals formed B4U-Act to begin a slow but inexorable push to redefine pedophilia as a sexual orientation in the same way homosexuality was in the 1970s."

    When you no longer accept the objective boundaries set by nature in sexual relationships, then where do you draw the line that says what is unacceptable?

  6. I would like a government to be a Christian one. However, I understand that this is not possible because the government is man made.

    It would also be naive to think that the government could force Christian values on such a corrupt people. Therefore we should strive for a government that gives us liberty to make our own mistakes as long as it does not harm other people. Gay couples should be able to marry and go down a path to hell if they choose. As long as I do not have to subsidize their benefits with my tax money. The government should not glorify homosexuality either.

  7. You have to draw a line in the sand and stand on principles or you will end up supporting things that you now find reprehensible and disgusting: things that nobody wants to talk about. That is the end result of not having and standing on principles.

    Senator Ted Cruz reiterated the main point of this post: "In an interview with CBN’s David Brody, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican, joined in this chorus, warning that the push in favor of same-sex unions could, indeed, put First Amendment protections at risk."

    “'If you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards gay marriage, that’s the next step of where it gets enforced,' he said of hate speech regulations that are in place in other countries."

    “'It gets enforced against Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage and that has been defined elsewhere as hate speech — as inconsistent with the enlightened view of government,' Cruz added."

    Forcing Christian values on society and disincentivizing behavior that is destructive to society are two separate things. I think that you are looking at the issue as a false dichotomy: either force Christian values on society or not force any values on society, i.e allow gay marriage. By its very nature, laws promote certain values. Governments can not be neutral when it comes to promoting values. The question is if they are values that are good for society or bad for society. Marriage between a man and a woman has been the foundation of society for thousands of years long before Christianity. For the government to incentive an institution into law that says that marriage is between a man and a woman is not to force Christian values on society. In the case of gay marriage, Allowing people to go to "hell" will end up Helping the nation to go to "hell".

    When you look back through history, you see that society did not just materialize out of thin air. Society came about through much bloodshed, turmoil, trial and error, and at a great cost in terms of human lives. And modern American society is a very rare thing. How did it come about and what enabled it to become the greatest, as defined as promoting the greatest welfare to humans, society mankind has know. The point being that certain institutions and certain values enable a society to exist in the first place, and it took an even narrower set of institutions and values for a prosperous society to exist like America. What were these institutions and values? Changing the foundations of society through same-sex marriage should not be done in a casual way.

    A society that will openly accept homosexuality will accept anything.

  8. So this line that you are drawing in the it on Christian principle? If it is, then you should outlaw low cut shirts, strip clubs, pornography, etc. Those entities promote the same sinful things.

    Where do you draw the line? Why are you carrying only this gay marriage theme? Either draw the line on principle (which, in my point, will never work for any government because all people are corrupted) or give people freedom to make their own mistakes.

  9. You are using your line of argument as a justification for sin and "to foster an attitude of complacency towards undesirable social phenomena" . "Yep, I lied today therefore I must accept homosexuality and I certainly cant criticize it or any other thing ." I"We can't outlaw lying so we can't outlaw murder." "I cant have any principles or stand on any. That seems somewhat ridiculous. It is like being on a jury and not convicting a murderer because you told a lie the previous day. Or saying that murder should no longer be punished by the law because telling a lie is not outlawed. (I am not saying that homosexuality is murder.) Using the same line of argument--not necessarily the same as the previous ones mentioned--you will be forced to accept incest, bestiality, and what that WND article above talks about.

    In the previous comment, I stated that traditional marriage was not an exclusively Christian value. I don't think that the government should be outlawing those things. But I also don't think that the government should be promoting those things by providing incentives such as tax breaks or other benefits or having advertising campaigns promoting those things. I think that those things should be looked down upon by society and disincentive that way. It is up to the people to police themselves. The same for gay marriage. I don't think homosexuality should be outlawed, but it should not be incentive/promoted by the government and by a society that openly accepts it. Being gay should be looked down upon by society.

    From a theological perspective, I don't think that those things are on the same level as homosexuality. From my understanding of the Bible, all sin is looked down upon by God but all sin is not the same. Some sins are worse than others like lying and murder. In the Old testament they had different punishments or required different sin offerings. God points out homosexuality as a particularly disgusting sin in His eyes. He calls it an abomination. God destroyed Sodom and the other city because of homosexuality. All sins are not the same.

  10. " we should strive for a government that gives us liberty to make our own mistakes as long as it does not harm other people" -ToeJam

  11. Certainly the "detestable" things in Corinth are along the lines of pornography and strip clubs. On par with homosexuality in the heirarchy of evil.

  12. "I don't think that the government should be outlawing those things. But I also don't think that the government should be promoting those things by providing incentives such as tax breaks or other benefits or having advertising campaigns promoting those things."-00139x
    If it didn't provide equal incentives to ANYONE who gets married it would be unconstitutional.
    Don't think of it as a promotion or advertisement sponsored by the government. Those tax breaks and benefits of being married aren’t that great either.
    Oh I'd like to take a dump on Sen.Cruz and his views on other countries allowing same sex marriage. First off, don't put so much stock in the opinions of a senator. If he isn't speaking on behalf of his party's agenda, then he is giving a verbal hand job to anyone who keeps a pro-christian mind in the voting booth. He is rabble rousing Christians to think that their beliefs will be threatened by a liberal government. Preaching "biblical truths" as hate speech, jeez. Don't be so over dramatic. There are tons of hateful religiously "biblical truths" out there that are hateful. Chick publications puts out little comic books that are technically considered hate speech. Read "Camels in the Tent" an anti-muslim comic I happen to find left behind at a rest stop on the Mass. Pike. It’s fairly hate filled and pro-christian but its also designed for children and simple minded adults(majority of Americans). The cherry on top is that it was created and produced in Canada, a country that legalized same sex marriage before we did. Perhaps the real danger isn't threatening christian beliefs. Perhaps the danger is Christians THINKING their beliefs are being threatened.

  13. Uh Oh. Goekface is going against the grain in this conservative blog.

    Anything that is GOOD comes from God. Bottom line. If something is Godless, it is destroying GOOD. The farther our country goes from Christianity, the worse shit will get. The difference between 0039x and my view is how our government should deal with the issue. I believe that the trend is inevitable and the government should back off. 0039x thinks the government should mandate religion.

  14. On the incentives issue, the debate was whether the government should be providing incentives for same-sex marriage and helping to destroy traditional marriage which has been the foundations of civilization for thousands of years.

    " There are tons of hateful religiously 'biblical truths' out there that are hateful." What are these hateful beliefs? Is being hateful in and of itself a bad thing? Is it good to have beliefs that are hateful against murder or rape? The point being that hateful beliefs are not bad in and of themselves which was implied in your statement: your statement was designed to discredit hateful beliefs on the basis that they are hateful. Should we only have beliefs that effuse love towards everything?

    Senator Cruz appears to me to be one of the best people in congress. Although he will probably be selling out before too long like Rubio did. Cruz has actually been going against people his party on major issues. What Cruz pointed out in that article was that a Christian pastor in a European country was put in jail for preaching against homosexuality, this actually happened. Also I pointed out in the main text how that Christians are already being marginalized and punished for their religious beliefs. And if you read the entire thing that I posted and look at the main point of the whole post, you will see that the Supreme Court has already attributed ill will-- a desire to "degrade", "demean", and "humiliate" homosexuals-- on the part of Christians for their religious beliefs. The SC took the stance that belief in Christians values was to hate your neighbor. These actual attacks on Christians for teaching and adhering to their beliefs are already present and are a reality. This is not being over dramatic or blowing things out of proportions or "rabble rousing" Christians or an over active imagination on the part of Christians.

    Toeface did not understand what I was trying to say. 0039x does not want the government to mandate religion. Traditional marriage was in existence long before Christianity.

  15. If you can agree that traditional marriage is good, then you would agree that it comes from God.

  16. “Anything that is GOOD comes from God. Bottom line. If something is Godless, it is destroying GOOD. The farther our country goes from Christianity, the worse shit will get. The difference between 0039x and my view is how our government should deal with the issue. I believe that the trend is inevitable and the government should back off. 0039x thinks the government should mandate religion.”

    What you are suggesting is surrender to the the forces that wish to destroy or upend our society. Plus your argument is a clever defense for you to not have to take a stand on an issue: it gives you comfort in being apathetic towards a major issue of our time.

    Same Sex marriage is already allowed by the law: you can get married by and "church" or organization and live with whoever you want. The gay community is trying to force the government to recognize their marriage and for the government to confer benefits on them. Are they not mandating religion or values or their beliefs on society? Only traditional religions are able to do that right?

    Traditional marriage as I am using the word means marriage between a man and a woman. That is not unique to Christianity. But lets assume that defending traditional marriage is “mandating religion”. Would supporting the government's recognition of same sex marriage and supporting the conferring of benefits on ss couples be mandating certain values? In other words if supporting traditional marriage is mandating religion or values then supporting ss marriage is mandating secular values. So at the end of the day no matter which of the two stances you are taking on the issue you are mandating values. Is not the GLBT group trying to mandate their values on society by forcing the government and tax payers to recognize their beliefs? Is is interesting that Christians are the only ones being accused of mandating religion/values when the GLBT group are also mandating their values. Plus you are assuming that mandating values are bad thing in and of themselves. The law by its very nature is mandating values. Any law is mandating values. The question is should we be mandating values that are good for society or that are bad for society.

  17. I have repeated myself over and over that I do not want the government to give benefits to homosexuals.

    The stance I take is the hardest one. The stance I take is the one that is most based on principle. The stance I take is the one that no one wants to take because they are afraid of losing security for liberty.

    I understand that earth is saturated with evil. The Bible indicates that the only thing that will eradicate this is the time of judgement.

    00039x seems to believe that for the first time in our species' existence we will be able to create a government that gets rid of evil. This opinion goes against what the Bible indicates.

    When I accept that humanity does not have the power to create a Christian Utopia, I search for mechanisms that will allow Christians to thrive. A government that allows us to choose and follow the paths that we see fit so long as we don't harm anyone else.

    If my choice of government on this issue were enacted, homosexuals would go and get married and continue doing the same things that they were doing before. NOTHING else would change other than a mere label of their marital status. You could even argue that they would be better for society because they wouldn't be more inclined to have promiscuous sex and spread disease. Other than that, you wouldn't notice a difference. This choice of government would not give them any benefits. Nor would this government have any social tax policy.

    Take 00038393485x's view, if the government successfully outlawed homosexual marriage, there would be a backlash from all the outspoken evil people out there. Then the ebb and flow of government would go back to another Commie much like Obama. This is the natural way of things that you must accept.

    My choice is not a surrender. It is the most sustainable and tactical approach to helping Christians thrive. My libertarian approach would allow the weak and immoral to perish without burdening the simple Christian folk. I thought we were all in agreement on free market economics? The principles of free market capitalism should be applied to social policy as well.

    Your turn, go ahead and put words in my mouth.

  18. I think that we both are taking a similar stance. Toeface says: "I have repeated myself over and over that I do not want the government to give benefits to homosexuals." And then says: "If my choice of government on this issue were enacted, homosexuals would go and get married and continue doing the same things that they were doing before. [...] This choice of government would not give them any benefits. Nor would this government have any social tax policy."

    00139x said in the previous comment: "
    Same Sex marriage is already allowed by the law: you can get married by and "church" or organization and live with whoever you want. The gay community is trying to force the government to recognize their marriage and for the government to confer benefits on them. "

    I said elsewhere that as it stands right now homosexuals can already get married by any "church" or organization without the government recognizing same-sex marriage. I am not saying that this should be made illegal. I am saying that the government should not recognize SS marriage and give them benefits. You are saying that the government should recognize their marriage but not give them any benefits, but if the government were to not give SS couples any benefits then how should the government recognize their marriage?

    The gay community is not satisfied with being allowed to be married. They are trying to force the government and society to recognize their marriage and lifestyle and labeling anybody that disagrees with them as "enemies of the human race".

    I am not taking the stance of outlawing homosexuality and rounding up gay people and imprisoning them or going on a holy crusade. I am saying that the government should not recognize gay marriage and by doing this promote a activity that is bad for society, and by the government recognizing gay marriage this will lead to the destruction of traditional marriage which happens to have been the foundation of society for thousands of years.

    I am also saying that as a society we should not be so indifferent to and accepting of homosexuality. The same logic that enables you to accept this can be used to accept other things such as incest, beastality, polygamy, and phedohileal. From my knowledge there has not been a society that has accepted homosexuality that hasn't gone on to accept these other things to the effect of weakening and leading to the downfall of that society.

  19. I do not think that there should be any social tax policy at all. None. No marriage benefits, child credits, tax bracket, dependents, etc.

    The problem that I recognize with such a system is that there would HAVE to be some type of objective means of establishing income. Should revenue and income be considered the same thing? This would hurt the entity that is operating on thin margins and high asset/inventory turnover. But the company who brings in just as much revenue on huge margins and low inventory/asset turnover would not be hurt as much. Therefore most people would agree that business expenses or operating expenses should be deductible. But to what extent are we willing to consider something a deductible expense? This opens up a huge can of worms and will ultimately lead to social policy decisions.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I guess what I forgot to mention is that a flat tax would be very hard to establish because we would still have to define income. I am still in support of a flat tax. But it still has the same problems as all of the socioeconomic principles that we discuss on this blog because it is impossible when taken to an absolute. If we can not take it to an absolute, then we must compromise. Once we compromise, we approach the dreaded slippery slope.
