Sunday, July 28, 2013

00139x's Punishment for Dissing Monty Python

Right.  00139x's punishment for dissing Monty Python is a mandatory clip view per week, until he sees the light.

1 comment:

  1. I can't support a group that openly mocks Christianity. Here is part of a post I wrote a while back that I never posted:

    The enemies of capitalism are aware of the connection between traditional Christian values and the family unit and between the strength of a free capitalist society. They have know that for capitalism to be defeated it must be defeated from within by attacking these foundational institutions .One of the most influential Marxist thinker of the 20th century:
    “Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class.  The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a "long march through the culture."  [...]

    The new battleground, reasoned Gramsci, must become the culture, starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and history.  All of these things must be radically transformed and the social and cultural order gradually turned upside-down with the new proletariat placed in power at the top.”

    This attack has been taking place over the past sixty years. One way that they have tried to stealthily undermine this foundation is through pop culture in movies like “Life of Brian” that attacks the Christian foundations of our free society and plants or inculcates in the minds of people a disrespect for it. Through movies such as this they have been able to get those  that claim to be for limited government and individual liberty,  in the classical liberal sense of the word, to laugh at and mock the Christian foundations of our society while serving those that wish to see the death of capitalism. Another way that the foundations of our society have been attacked is by undermining traditional values that restrain sexual activity and inculcating an infantile fascination with sex in the population to the effect of destroying the family unit. You can also see this attack taking place in sex education for kids, see below. As will be shown, issues like gay marriage and traditional values are deeply linked to freedom and limited government.

    John Adams, one of the founding fathers, knew that morality and freedom are connected when he said “our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”.

    Unfortunately today the vast majority of those that claim to be for limited government do not see this connection. Cultural issues like gay marriage and morality are the battlefield where the war between those that favor limited government and those that favor a larger more expansive government is fought. If you claim to be for limited government and want to defend these ideas you have to mature and see this connection. Otherwise you are like a little kid getting behind the wheel of a big rig pretending he is going to drive the thing or like a kid wearing his dad's clothes: it looks funny and he really isn't going to get much done. Morals and social issues are not only important issues. They are the lynchpin that holds a nation that is based on limited government and individual freedom from collapsing. It is vital that people that claim to be in support of limited government and freedom to see this connection; otherwise, they will be incapable of defending it and might unknowingly be helping to defeat it.
