Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Save this blog! Stop SOPA!

The new SOPA bill is confusing. It has some good intentions; stopping piracy and preserving intellectual property, but has the power of too much regulation.

It could even harm RTP!

According to Chris Heald, a programmer (why his opinion matters, I'm not sure, but he sounds intelligent):

"Section 102(a)(2) permits the attorney general to take action against foreign sites (i.e., sites that do not fall under U.S. jurisdiction) if 'the owner or operator of such Internet site is facilitating the commission of [copyright infringement].'"

"Since copyright violation is ridiculously easy, any site with a comment box or picture upload form is potentially infringing. Furthermore, DMCA Safe Harbor provisions are no defense. You, as a site operator, become liable for copyright infringement committed by your users, even if you comply with DMCA takedown requests."

This means us!

Do your part and write your congressman to stop this legislation. I did.


  1. Although I don't know too much about this, it does seem like this is similar to the FCC's attempt to regulate free speech through Net Neturality.

    (Melkor, I made a note to myself to not argue against government intervention on the grounds that the government is seeking too much power or is trying to take stuff over. Speaking plain facts can seem crazy and is not a good way to frame an argument because it might turn people off. I need to be articulate to the point as to where I obscure the facts in an attempt to win the people on the other side of the issue over so that in the end my I am disarmed and my argument is lost and made impotent and ineffectual :)

    And you do have to look at the group of people in charge of our government, Frank Lyod

    Cass Sunstein:

    Holdren who advocated putting sterilants in drinking water to help prevent over populating the earth.

    And a whole lot more people in charge of our government that have authortian inclinations
    So looking at this issue through this prism make me a little suspicious of the government pushing though regulation like this.

    I do know that wikipedia and google and a lot of others are against it. "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expressed opposition to the bill, as well as Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX), who joined nine Democrats to sign a letter to other House members warning that the bill would cause "an explosion of innovation-killing lawsuits and litigation."[101]"

    Glenn Beck is against it

    Rubio wants to take a closer look at it

    I will have to look into it more to get a better grasp of the issue.

  2. Here is a commentary on the bill.

  3. They don't need these bills to do what they want. Megaupload axed today by the DoJ. The first site down for the count.

    Try it out....

  4. Khan academy did a good 11 min video.

    The bill reeks of totalitarianism.

  5. Republicans listened to the voters and helped shelve this bill. Democrats stood with their Hollywood paymasters.

    Hey, I can comment!

  6. I bet the bill will come up in a much weaker form that will eventually end with the results of this bill.

  7. I think even the White House was against this bill so they actually deserve some credit.
