Monday, January 30, 2012

Obamneycare And The Future Of America

It looks as if the Republican party is not offering an alternative to the current president when it comes to transformative issues such as health care. (While this post isn't about Newt Gingrich, it should be noted that he is no conservative and has called himself a progressive and stated his admiration for Franklin Roosevelt.) It looks like the Republican party is flirting with nominating a candidate that is very hard to distinguish from Obama. The current front runner in the Republican presidential primary Mitt Romney's health care plan the he implemented and steadfastly defends is basically the same thing as Obama's health care plan. This issue was brought to light in one of the recent presidential debate where Rick Santorum challenged Romney on this issue and was told that this is nothing to get angry about. If the fundamental transformation of our society's culture and our country is nothing to get angry about then I don't know what is. Hot Air notes that having a republican candidate that supports government will run health care will be a big public relations win for the left:

Via the lefties at Think Progress, a video salute to Mitt’s cavalier assurance at last night’s debate that there’s nothing to get angry about when it comes to health-care mandates. Get ready for a long, long line of liberal attack ads in this vein once it’s clear that he’s the nominee: Even if they end up losing the election, the PR value to the left of having the Republican standard-bearer mimicking O’s rhetoric on ObamaCare is incalculable for the repeal battle ahead. That was always one of the greatest pitfalls in choosing Mitt — at a minimum, the right will have to temper its criticism of mandates during the general election — but darned if we’re not poised to go ahead and choose him anyway. And as Peter Suderman at Reason notes, this clip doesn’t even exhaust the similarities between RomneyCare and its much larger younger brother:

Via the lefties at Think Progress, a video salute to Mitt’s cavalier assurance at last night’s debate that there’s nothing to get angry about when it comes to health-care mandates. Get ready for a long, long line of liberal attack ads in this vein once it’s clear that he’s the nominee: Even if they end up losing the election, the PR value to the left of having the Republican standard-bearer mimicking O’s rhetoric on ObamaCare is incalculable for the repeal battle ahead. That was always one of the greatest pitfalls in choosing Mitt — at a minimum, the right will have to temper its criticism of mandates during the general election — but darned if we’re not poised to go ahead and choose him anyway. And as Peter Suderman at Reason notes, this clip doesn’t even exhaust the similarities between RomneyCare and its much larger younger brother:

During last night’s debate, Romney also defended his plan from charges that it resembled ObamaCare by arguing that in Massachusetts, “there’s no government plan.” He’s used this line before, but it’s never helped distinguish Romney’s health overhaul from Obama’s: There’s no “government plan” in ObamaCare either, or at least no more of one than there is in RomneyCare. Both ObamaCare and RomneyCare rely on a regulated market and an expansion of Medicaid. Nor is Romney the only one to point this out in order to defend the structure both plans share: In his State of the Union address earlier this week, President Obama touted the fact that “our health care law relies on a reformed private market, not a government program.”

In the end, Romney only ended up reinforcing the similarities between his plan and President Obama’s. It’s hard to make a convincing case that the RomneyCare is somehow dramatically different from ObamaCare while relying on virtually the same arguments employed by ObamaCare’s most prominent defender.

Michael Tomasky agrees with Rick Santorum that nominating Romney will be giving up the issue of Obamacare in this years election:

The moment was, of course, the exchange between Rick Santorum and Romney when Santorum was aggressively challenging Romney about health care. Romney was going through his standard defense of his health-care plan, saying it was right for Massachusetts but not for other states. Santorum wasn’t buying it: “Think about what that means going up against Barack Obama ... You are going to claim [about the Affordable Care Act], ‘Well, it doesn’t work and we should repeal.’ And he’s going to say, ‘Wait a minute, governor. You said it works well in Massachusetts.’ Folks—we can’t give this issue away in this election. It is about fundamental freedom ... It’s going to be on your ballot as to whether there should be a government mandate here in Florida. According to Governor Romney, that’s OK.”[...]

On the substance, there is virtually no difference between the bills. Well, OK, there are two differences. No. 1 is that Romney did not vastly expand Medicaid in constructing his bill. No. 2 is that Romney did not raise taxes to pay for his bill. Now, both of those differences sound like they reflect very well on Romney—he didn’t expand a big-government program that most people associate with poor folks and therefore do not like, and he didn’t raise taxes.

But why didn’t his bill do either of those things? It didn’t expand Medicaid, because governors have no right to expand Medicaid. And he didn’t raise taxes because—ready?—the federal government paid for about half of it ($385 million, largely in Medicaid money). And the federal government paid for about half of it largely because of the efforts of ... Teddy Kennedy, Romney’s great ally in putting the bill through. Jon Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology health economist who worked on Romney’s bill, has said, with only slight exaggeration: “They’re the same fucking bill. He [Romney] just can’t have his cake and eat it too. He can try to draw distinctions and stuff, but he’s just lying. The only big difference is he didn’t have to pay for his. Because the federal government paid for it. Where at the federal level, we have to pay for it, so we have to raise taxes.”[...]

So Santorum was right Thursday night. Nominating Romney is giving up the issue, especially if the Supreme Court upholds the mandate. Obama probably can’t win the argument, but if his campaign handles the issue artfully, he can plant doubts in conservative and swing voters’ minds about Romney’s actual beliefs on the matter, which will play strongly into what presumably will be a key Obama theme of Romney as the say-anything candidate. Obama should even use Pawlenty’s little portmanteau. After all, it’ll be no loss to him if voters think of the plans as similar; making conservatives gnash their teeth is the point. [emphasis mine on the bold part]

Socialized medicine in the crown jewel of socialism and the welfare state. Health care is one sixth of the U.S economy, and with the passage of Obamacare the government is on track to slowly gain control of the vast swath of the economy and people's lives. Having this new entitlement will have a corrupting effect on the character of the American people by turning the society into an entitlement society. All one has to do is to look at the riots in Greece to see what a society that looks to the government to provide all of their needs leads to. If one agrees, like Romney, with the premise that government should be providing people with health care, then the government is justified in telling people what they can or can not eat and a whole list of other lifestyle choices. Nominating a candidate who supports government run health care would be a disaster for staving the tied of socialism in America and the end of the Republican party standing for personal liberty, limited government, and free markets. I believe the Republican party has already stopped a long time ago being the party that stands for these principles. Americans no longer have a choice in the direction the country is headed. This years election is shaping up to only offer Americans only with the choice of the speed that we are headed towards the socialist-welfare-state. I can not vote for Romney.


  1. Yeah, this is Romney's great big fat giant Achille's heel. It should have been a big enough heel to prohibit him from winning anything, if Republicans care at all about overturning Obamacare. Unfortunately, all the other candidates (save my man Rick Perry!) have major flaws as well. It is unfortunate that, in this most important election, our good stars chose not to run. Just like in 2008, where we put up weak candidates, which allowed the abomination that is Obama to win.

    I still have hopes that in the general election, Romney will be pressed by Republicans to make bold statements and commitments against Obamacare, to motivate conservatives and libertarians by distancing himself from Obama. He has a lot of upsides, and I do believe he is the one electable candidate remaining in the race. I will vote for him if he's elected, because despite what you say Jeff, 4 more years of Obama will be much worse. But, as in 2008, I am not happy about any of our candidates. Depressing the base of the party is not a good path to victory. But, maybe the problem is, as you say, that conservatives are not the base of the Republican party, in spite of the Tea Party successes.

    I do see the odds of a conservative 3rd party (which would be an even bigger disaster for conservatives) increasing greatly, particularly if Romney is nominated and then loses the general. I would be motivated to join it myself, but it would have no hope of accomplishing anything in the short term, and by the time the long term comes around, it'll be too late.

  2. Even if Romney doesn't get nominated it is time for a new party that stands for classical liberalism. The Republican party is has not been the party of free markets, limited government for a long time. The distinction between the Democrats and Republicans is getting very blurry. They are both taking America down the same road.

    What I can't understand is the Republican party leaders are getting behind Romney--I especially can't understand tea party people like governor Nikki Halley and Christy supporting him. It seems like the party has choosen Romney. This fact speaks volumes for the state of the Republican party and what its leaders stand for. But if the republican party voters elect Romney, then the problem lies with the electorate.

    With Romney's support for his health care plan and I not convinced that he will seriously try to repeal Obamacare. And he is being dishonest in his defense of his health program.

    Bud-D said: "I will vote for him if he's elected, because despite what you say Jeff, 4 more years of Obama will be much worse."
    The whole premise that you base this on is that we actually have a choice of the long term direction that America is headed. With Ronmney or Newt, we don't have that choice. I refuse to play the game and think we really have a choice. It reminds me of the scene in the movie "The Replacement Bureau" where the guy with god-like powers to intervene in people's lives to make them follow the "plan" from the god-like planner is telling the main character that he has no choice in his life, only the choice to choose what tootpaste to use or what food to eat, but the big and important decision are made for him and he has no say in the matter. And also this chapter from "Democracy In America" reminds me of this

    I am not going to be played for a dupe and participate in this joke that is designed to make us think that we are actually choosing our president. It is just a child-like-play-along game to pacify us. I will support a 3rd party based on classic liberalism and support a cultural revolution.

    I can not find anything to destinguish Romney and Obama when it comes to the transformative issues and the direction they will be taking America. If the American people decide to elect presidents like obama and romney, then we deserve what is coming. Instead of having little bits of socialism fed to us by Republicans, I would rather have it all at once with Obama. At least he is somewhat honest about it. That way things can reach bottom and start getting better.

  3. "Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney renewed his support Wednesday for automatic increases in the federal minimum wage to keep pace with inflation, a position sharply at odds with traditional GOP business allies, conservatives and the party's senior lawmakers."

    Any conservative knows that the minimal wage is not a free market belief and is a very bad policy. It hurts the very people that it is suppose to help.

    And people on the right like Ann Coulter are being intellectually dishonest in supporting Romney. And Sean Hannity are being somewhat supportive of Romney. People's true colors are coming out.

  4. Your criticisms of Romney are entirely valid. The minimum wage statement just makes you choke and say "is this guy really a Republican?". But, these conservatives that are coming out in support of him are not showing their true colors in the sense that they are showing themselves to be RINOs. I know that's not true of either Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter. They are showing themselves to understand which Republican has a chance against Obama and following William F. Buckley's golden rule of nominating the most conservative candidate ELECTABLE.

    Your idea of letting everything go down in flames is emotionally satisfying, but not an answer that is good for America. We need to fight to turn the ship around now for our families' sakes, and our countrymen's sakes. The most right, if not most satisfying, answer is to go with Romney, if he is the nominee. Just as it was most right to go with McCain in 2008. For all HIS faults, we wouldn't have Obamacare right now if he had won.

    Also, don't forget that Romney was the conservative candidate in 2008 who lost to McCain. So we have made progress because Romney is now the liberal Republican candidate. Maybe too slow, but it is still progress. Also remember that Richard Nixon was more liberal than Bill Clinton. We are making progress.

  5. In Ann Coulter's case, she is being intellectually dishonest by using false, faulty arguments in her support of Romney. The ends do not justify the means. I guess it is not okay for a liberal to be intellectually dishonest in supporting socialism, but it is okay for a "conservative" as long as it is going for a "good" cause.

    I see exactly where you are coming from in your argument and I disagree with it. Your whole argument is based on the premise that there is a real choice in this election: Obama and Romney are different. There is not in terms of where they will take America. Real conservatives can not support a candidate who implemented and steadfastly supports the crown jewel of socialism. I want to know what the point is in electing the most conservative candidate that happens to be a socialist and is indistinguishable on major transformative issues from Obama? I don't get it.

    This whole two party system is working to pull America in the direction of socialism.

    And I do not think that we are making progress with Romney supposedly being the most conservative candidate. I don't specifics about McCain, but I don't think he supported and implemented the crown jewel of socialism. And if this is progress, then this level of progress is not enough.

    Obamacare will "fundamentally" transform America. There is a very small window to repeal this. Republicans can not elect a candidate that implemented and supports the predecessor to Obamacare.

    The root cause of America's decline is the people, the political mess is just a symptom of this cultural root and decay. A nation that is populated with a current and future electorate like this simply can not survive as a free nation for much longer

    Obama approval ratings are almost 50%.

    The only way people are going to wake up is when things reach bottom. Supporting socialist Republicans will only delay the inevitable. I would rather reach down and grab hold and get it over with.
